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How Golf Fashion Became Cool: Polo Shirts, Vests and Celebrity Collabs Get a Hole in One

How Golf Fashion Became Cool: Polo Shirts, Vests and Celebrity Collabs Get a Hole in One


Mark Twain once joked that a game of golf rather spoils a good walk. Golf, however, is experiencing a real makeover.

Eight-time PGA champion Chi-Chi Rodriguez may have been right when he said golf is the most fun you can have without getting naked. But today, not only are the clothes preserved, they are better than ever.

Forget the days of regulation polo shirts and plaid pants (although in many cases dress codes remain on the course). In 2024, the influence of celebrities, luxury and cool, emerging brands is changing the image of golf.

There are several reasons why golf courses shine not just Theo James play a part in Guy Ritchies' dapper detective show Gentlemen or the seemingly unstoppable rise of the sweater vest.
Louis Vuitton spring 2024 men's capsule collection by Tyler, The Creator

As is the case with many outdoor activities, the pandemic has attracted a large number of new players to the sport. Not only that, but more women, more people of color, more young people have started down this path.

Sinead Cutts, style director of online retailer The Outnet, says that with the renaissance of outdoor activities and sports, and with tennis and hiking bringing style backit was only a matter of time before golf had a new image.
[N]Today, golf is gradually experiencing a similar situation. Brands are catching up with this new trend, as evidenced by recent collaborations between Pharrell Williams Louis Vuitton and Tyler, the Creator; Bape and Adidas Golf; And even Travis Scott and Nike, with its Air Jordan 1 Low sneakers specially designed for golf enthusiasts, she says.
Travis Scott Air Jordan 1 Low Golf Sneakers

As for golf style icons? Cutts says a few players immediately come to mind.

Seve Ballesteros with his classic 70s style, Tiger Woods with red as his signature color and Arnold Palmer, the king of cool golf.

It's not just luxury brands like Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren offering refined versions of golf essentials like vests and polo shirts. There are also new ones like Macklemore's Bogey Boys. The rapper's unlikely love for the sport led him to create his own golf fashion brand in 2021. The MO behind the brand? As Macklemore told British GQ: “You look good, you play good. It's the theory, it's not true, but it helps! I love stopping at the golf course in an outfit I made, walking to the driving range and thinking, You know what, maybe my swing sucks compared to all these other guys who have played their entire life but which do not touch each other. the adjustment. I like this.

An outfit from rapper Macklemores Bogey Boys

Other brands challenging the status quo (and dress codes) include Bad Birdie, which started with irreverent polo shirts and has since expanded its range for both men and women. Bill Murray is another gaming celebrity with his tongue-in-cheek brand William Murray Golf, cool-girl wellness brand Sporty & Rich has a golf range, while Sydney-based tailor P. Johnson, which has gyms exhibition in New York and London, offers a range of golf products. a stylish outfit for the golf course (and the golf club). Online platform Hypebeast has an entire subsection dedicated to the sport, and recently, cult cashmere brand Lingua Franca published a top featuring Larry David's stolen advice on how to improve your game from Calm your enthusiasm: vertical drop, horizontal tug.

Jimmy Choo Malbon Collection

Malbon Golf is another brand that is revolutionizing the sport. Partly because of its celebrities, including Justin Bieber and Travis Scott. But also for its Californian touch on golf essentials, with graphic prints and pop colors. The husband-and-wife-owned brand recently poached Australian golfer Jason Day from Nike to become its first ambassador, proof that the sport (fashion) game is changing. His latest project is a collaboration with luxury footwear brand Jimmy Choo on a range of golf sneakers that work equally well on and off the course.

For Sandra Choi, creative director of Jimmy Choo, surprising people in the collaborations she chooses to do is essential. Finding synergy is about creating unexpected associations that highlight shared values ​​and expertise. She adds: Malbon has mastered the art of fusing fashion and function in golf clothing. Mixed with the inherent glamor of Jimmy Choos, you get a glamorous and playful collection.

Playfully glamorous? This looks like a hole-in-one.




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