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Vespa unveils Lifestyle product extension, starting with Fashion line

Vespa unveils Lifestyle product extension, starting with Fashion line


MILAN – Chic, bucolic, cinematic are all adjectives that fit the iconic Vespa scooter, but parent company Piaggio Group is now betting there's more to exploit in its distinctive brand of two-wheelers.

Catapulted to global fame thanks to Audrey Hepburn on the back of Gregory Peck's scooter in the iconic 1953 film “Roman Holiday,” Vespa is plotting a lifestyle push, which incidentally begins with a collection of fashion.

Called “The Empty Space,” the lifestyle project “was born from the full recognition that Vespa is not only a mobility brand but also a lifestyle brand,” said Davide Zanolini, executive vice president of marketing and of communication of the Piaggio group, in an interview.

“On the other hand, we have observed and reflected on today's youth, how the 'Uber generation' is moving away from traditional mobility and using public transportation, Uber or Lyft to get around. This got us thinking about how Vespa could be their life companion in ways other than a vehicle,” he said.

Zanolini described the new platform as a hotbed for experimentation – and risk-taking – an “empty space that we want to fill with experiences and adventures that are not related to mobility while engaging in a certain extent with her.

Johnny Dufort's Vespa Summer Edit campaign.

Johnny Dufort's Vespa Summer Edit campaign.

Johnny Dufort/Courtesy of Vespa

“We don’t want to set limits. Let's just say that Vespa is going for 'self-expression',” he added. “Vespa is undoubtedly recognized worldwide as a symbol of Made in Italy. The risk associated with this perception is being stereotyped and trivialized. On the contrary, Vespa has always been perceived as contemporary and perfectly at home in the present,” he said.

The first chapter, which begins Wednesday, includes a selection of fashion pieces from the Vespa brand, including jeans, bomber jackets with the signature V logo, tracksuits, tank tops and even a pantsuit with drawstring pants. Called “Summer Edit,” it includes pieces for men and women, items labeled as genderless, which were photographed by British photographer Johnny Dufort in an irreverent campaign featuring horses.

Vespa has already orchestrated collaborations in the fashion field, partnering with Emporio Armani in 2016; sneaker guru Sean Wotherspoon in 2020 and Dior in 2021. Zanolini pointed out that other collaborations have included Walt Disney last year and Justin Bieber in 2022, signaling Vespa's legitimacy in several sectors.

“We don’t aim to become a fashion brand; this industry does not need a new brand to expand its presence. We just want fashion to be one of the languages ​​we use to telegraph our world,” he said. “It’s about reaching a new audience,” he added.

“We know it won't be easy, but we also know that millions of people have enjoyed Vespa and we are confident that we can also make people appreciate the brand from different angles,” Zanolini said.

With fashion being the first of many adjacent lifestyle industries that Vespa operates in, the brand has recruited a team of experienced designers to support the creative studio, who are in constant discussions with moped designers. “We need to build credibility in this space… to also become a familiar brand in this segment,” Zanolini acknowledged.

Johnny Dufort's Vespa Summer Edit campaign.

Johnny Dufort's Vespa Summer Edit campaign.

Johnny Dufort/Courtesy of Vespa

The existing Vespa merchandise collection aimed at two-wheel enthusiasts will remain in place and continue to be distributed through the traditional moped dealer network.

The new lifestyle fashion line, on the contrary, arrives on Wednesday on the “The Empty Space” website with prices ranging from 90 euros for silk bandanas to 2,900 euros for lambskin outerwear. Zanolini said wholesale operations are being evaluated and implemented.

Marking the debut of the new division and further strengthening its experiential component, Vespa is launching 'By The Sea', a takeover of a seaside resort in Paraggi, in the Italian seaside region of Liguria.




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