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How should I dress when moving to a new city?

How should I dress when moving to a new city?


Every big city has its style stereotypes, sometimes several at once. New York is dark colors and conceptual shreds, banker suits and Park Avenue curls. Seattle is a fleece. (San Francisco too.) Dallas is cowboy boots and diamonds. Los Angeles is Erewhon leggings and hats. Paris is all about perfectly draped blazers and scarves. And so on.

I'm not saying it's true, you understand. These are obvious clichés. But clichés exist because they have a certain critical mass in reality. And the truth is that whenever a concentrated number of people are concentrated in a single place, as is the case in an urban center, a fashion philosophy emerges. A city with its own language and basic elements derived from the place's dominant industry, its climate, its value system and the visual makeup of the city itself: its colors, its constituent elements and its history .

You would dress differently in a warm place with low stucco buildings where you are outside a lot and can see an expanse of blue (sky) and green (grass) than in a place made of concrete and stainless steel. Dress codes are also cultural codes, and every place has its camouflage.

So the first thing to consider is how well you want to fit in. Or, conversely, let those around you know that you are a transplant recipient. After all, if you're new to a place and aren't sure about the morals, or even the best place to get coffee, it can be helpful to let people know. And dress is one way to manage expectations.

I want to be one with the crowd (we have all been to college) and avoid the stubborn prejudices that sometimes attach to coming from elsewhere: we are a snob, or pretentious, or a redneck. But don't overlook the appeal of being the new kid in town. Or being an individual when it comes to style, which can suggest independent thinking and creativity.

To that end, it's good to stick with the wardrobe you have, especially if it makes you comfortable, at least at first. Moving to a new city can be a shock and always requires a period of adaptation. There's no need to shake up the way you convey your identity, which is after all the point of fashion. Decisions (especially those that involve money) should never be made in haste and without all the necessary information. Like an idea of ​​what everyone is wearing. And that only happens with direct experience.

In the meantime, small adjustments can often take you a long way. If your new apartment is more casual than your old one, wear a suit jacket with jeans rather than matching pants, or a skirt with sneakers rather than heels. If it's less casual, add a bright scarf or just tuck in your shirt.

To some extent, wardrobe adaptation happens through attrition. Rooms that may have seemed foreign to you in your old home will, if seen often enough, appear as natural purchases in your new one. A good friend who moved from Brooklyn to Seattle a few years ago told me she knew she had finally settled down when she realized she could buy her work clothes at REI.

Each week on Open Thread, Vanessa will answer a fashion-related reader question, which you can send to her at any time via E-mail Or Twitter. The questions are edited and condensed.




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