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Aaron Levine on men's fashion, trends, style and more

Aaron Levine on men's fashion, trends, style and more


It's impossible to say how many men Aaron Levine has helped dress better. But if I had to guess, what would it be like for the better part of a generation? He's like a menswear whisperer, the one you call when you need to breathe new life into a brand. You may know him for transforming Club Monaco menswear into cool essentials in the 2010s. Once he was done, he took on Abercrombie & Fitch, bringing the brand back from the brink of obscurity cultural. And even more recently, he has been working in the background on the Madewell dusts. Along the way, he's posted impeccable photos on his Instagram while sharing insight into his own journey. He did it all by focusing on a credo that puts people first. Make sure the clothes still look like you, he says. Be as weird as you want; don't be a gimmick. Below, he answers some of our questions about sizzling style.

Esquire: Would you wear sneakers with a suit?

Aaron Levine: It depends on who you are. If this feels natural to you, I have no rules about what you can and can't do.

Flip flops?

[Laughs.] Maybe I have a rule or two. This is my answer.

Do you own any fun socks?

I think once things are classified as a fun version of something, it takes away all the actual fun.



Jacket by Barbour. Sweater by Polo Ralph Lauren. Shirt by Armor Lux. Jean by Lévis. Belt by W.Kleinberg. Shoes from Belgian Shoes. Sunglasses by Oliver Peoples. Bag by Alex Mill.

How much is a pair of socks too expensive?

Have you ever put your foot in a cashmere sock? This shit is real and it's worth it. So, $150? But then you work in the industry, someone slips you a pair of cashmere socks so I never have to. I'm cheap.

Is there a trend or style that you swore you would never adopt but ended up giving in to?

There are so many things I swore I would never do and ended up doing that I can't even eliminate one. I remember the first time I received a pair of Belgian shoes, it was in 2005 and I was working for a custom clothing company. And I remember all these old guys walking around really smart, in a beautiful gray flannel suit, a gingham shirt, a navy blue knitted tie, and then they wore these Belgian shoes. And I'd wonder: What's with that dainty little shoe with a bow on it? And then this guy I worked with said, Come here, young man. Let me explain the lore of this thing, and then you can decide if it's for you. And now I have ten pairs. I'm a talkative hypocrite.

Do you wear cologne?

I do. I've been wearing the same thing for 20 years, and it's Santa Maria Novella Patchouli.

Do you have a dream watch that you would like to have?

I have a problem with watches. I have a bunch of them and I hate myself for acquiring these things. I am a lover of things that hate themselves. But it’s constantly changing because I’m ADD. I don't have a Grail! I might have a Holy Grail for a second but the attention span of a fruit fly, so 20 seconds later it might be something different.



What is your favorite summer shoe?

I wear three shoes in the summer. I wear a Belgian shoe. I wear a Birkenstock Gizeh that disgusts everyone when I'm in town because my toes are out and they're like, You're a disgusting troglodyte of a human. And then I just wear the white Vans Eras.

What do you spend the most on in your wardrobe?

If I'm in the right place at the right time and see something I like, I've been known to make terrible decisions. Let's not put a price on it.

Photography: James Macari
Session editor: Alfonso Fernández Navas
Hair: Kevin Ryan using Unite
Grooming: Ryo Kuramoto for Nars
Design Director: Rockwell Harwood
Collaborating visual director: James Morris
Executive producer/director: Dorenna Newton
Director of photography: Elyssa Aquino
Camera: Derrick Saint-Pierre
Video editor: Josh Archer
Associate Producer, Video: Janie Booth
Associate producer, video: Carly Bivona




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