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Discover Arc'teryx's big investment in circular fashion

Discover Arc'teryx's big investment in circular fashion


Vancouver-based clothing brand Arc'teryx has pioneered circular fashion, implementing clothing repair, resale and related standardization programs. The 35-year-old brand has strived to ensure the longevity of its products since its inception.

Through the company's ReBird by Arc'teryx program, which includes the ReCare, ReGear, and ReCut initiatives, Arc'teryx encourages good housekeeping, resells used items, and recycles leftover materials, respectively. Although the company currently offers repairs for free, its used and recycled products are becoming revenue drivers. Arc'teryx declined to disclose what percentage of its business is generated by ReBird initiatives.

Arc'teryx parent company Amer Sports announced on May 21 that its first-quarter revenue increased 13% year-over-year to $1.2 billion. This growth is mainly driven by a 44% increase in the technical clothing segment, which includes Arc'teryx.

“We've always focused on sustainability,” said Dominique Showers, who runs ReBird by Arc'teryx. And over the past five years, we have made significant efforts to expand our repair operations globally.

Showers emphasized the importance of customer awareness as a driver of adoption. “We want guests to understand how to maintain their technical equipment and demystify its complexity,” she said. Currently, on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, the company posts videos to help customers repair their equipment and offers phone support.

Arc'teryx has expanded its repair center capabilities to include repairs beyond seams and zipper repairs. It has opened two centers in North America, two in EMEA and more in APAC over the past two years.

Showers said the company's resale and recycling offerings fund many of its ReBird initiatives, although he declined to share exact numbers. The latter attracts a younger audience looking for unique, high-quality gear at more accessible prices, with the items being one-of-a-kind.

According to the company's own estimates, in 2023, Arc'teryx's resale program saved 74,000 kilograms of CO2 and diverted 7,400 kilograms of waste from landfills, compared to the resources that would be required to produce and sell new products. Also last year, the company's trading grew 94% in Canada and 65% in the United States, and global trading based on in-store events jumped 371% year-over-year. other. Overall customer engagement in product maintenance and repair increased by 20-25% in 2023, with a 53% increase in repairs. Arc'teryx now has 15 ReBird service centers around the world, including Vancouver, London, Sydney, Berlin and Tokyo.

In Toronto in May, as an extension of these service centers, Arc'teryx opened an Alpha store offering advanced repair capabilities, such as rebuilding backpacks and coats after significant wear and tear. And this summer, the brand will open a New York store with repair services. Even if a store does not have a dedicated repair station, all of our retail stores are equipped with tool kits for minor repairs, making it easy for customers to maintain their products,” Showers said.

Standardizing its repair processes and raw materials globally was a crucial step for Arc'teryx in rolling out these programs. “We ensure that anyone repairing an Arc'teryx product knows exactly how to fix specific issues, such as installing zippers, by passing a series of tests,” Showers said.

Arc'teryx has a manufacturing facility just outside of Vancouver called Arc'One, which opened in 2016. According to Showers, it has a series of manufacturing lines and two repair lines. “Naturally, the team began building the repair area with scraps of materials used in the lines for future use,” she said.

This cooperation between manufacturing and repair is now the model that the brand plans to replicate in other regions.

Jules Lennon, head of fashion at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, said that to challenge conventional linear fashion models, brands must decouple revenue from production. [They must do this] by accelerating efforts to rethink the products that will be used in the future, as well as rethinking the services and business models that deliver them to customers in order to keep them in use,” she said.

Launched at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen last May, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Fashion ReModel program aims to normalize circular business models. Arc'teryx, Arket, Cos, H&M Group, Primark, Reformation, Weekday and Zalando are among the first participants in the project.

According to a 2021 study According to the Ellen McArthur Foundation and the Boston Consulting Group, the circular economy will capture 23% of global clothing production. market by 2030. This translates to a $700 billion opportunity to reshape the fashion industry for the better.




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