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Target, FibreTrace and Cargill team up to verify raw cotton

Target, FibreTrace and Cargill team up to verify raw cotton


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Diving brief:

  • Textile technology company FibreTrace announced Thursday a partnership with food company Cargill and Target to track the origin of cotton gin fibers in real time, according to a press release sent to Fashion Dives sister publication Retail Dive .
  • The partnership is expected to mark 50,000 tons of U.S. and Brazilian raw cotton in its first year with special luminescent pigments to create a unique signature. The pigments, the company said, are then tracked throughout the global supply chain.
  • This collaboration is part of sustainability efforts to ensure innovation, transparency and integrity of U.S. and Brazilian cotton fibers, Mitch Standen, head of the Americas for FibreTrace, said in the release.

Dive overview:

Target said the partnership will help the company accelerate its sustainability efforts, which are outlined in the retailer's most recent report. sustainability strategy. In it, the retailer said it strives to meet its responsible sourcing commitments for Palm oil, cotton, forest productscoffee and seafood with suppliers.

Achieving full visibility into where the cotton used to make our products is grown is among the top priorities of our sustainability goals, said Bill Foudy, senior vice president and president of owned brands at Target, in the release. .

Fiber integrity technology promotes accountability throughout the global textile supply chain and increases the value of digital-only traceability solutions, according to the company.

FibreTraces technology works by adding its patented luminescent pigments to raw cotton during ginning. When scanning a pigment, it can be tracked throughout the supply chain, identified and verified on site. The data is uploaded to Blockchain and can be shared on the FibreTrace platform or on another platform of the brand's choice.

We hope this partnership will inspire a ripple effect of change, demonstrating to other companies what is possible, Danielle Statham, founder and CEO of FibreTrace, said in the release.

As companies continue to expand their sourcing, opting for more sustainable options is an emerging trend. In February, Lululemon and environmental technology company Samsara Eco has reached an important step in textile recycling. The two introduced an enzymatically recycled nylon 6.6 product and made samples of their Swiftly Tech long-sleeve top with the sustainable textile in May 2023 to scale up circular efforts through textile-to-textile recycling.

Also earlier this year, Under Armor and chemicals and materials company Celanese created a alternative to spandex. Called Neolast, it works like elastane, the fiber that provides stretch. Neolast is produced with recyclable elastoester polymers.




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