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Alessandro Michele has just revealed his first Valentino Men collection by surprise

Alessandro Michele has just revealed his first Valentino Men collection by surprise


Fashion maximalists who have spent the recent era of quiet luxury feeling nauseous rejoice: Alessandro Michele just released his first collection (Resort 2025) for Valentino, and to say there's a lot going on would be an understatement. In a sepia-toned lookbook launched on the final day of the SS25 menswear shows in Milan, the designer opts for the same more-is-more look that defined his successful tenure at the helm of Gucci.

Among the range's 171 looks are refined princess coats made from boucl, chic twin sets with Peter Pan collar, high-waisted tweedy pants with wide bell bottoms and a statement cheetah print shirt and skirt combo trimmed with brown faux fur.

Drawing inspiration from Valentino's archives, but never directly referencing an era, collection or gemstone, Michele's infatuation with the '70s shows no signs of slowing down, and all the accessories that have become the brand factory of his Gucci were present again: the models looked like they had fallen off. head-first into their grandmother's jewelry box and piled up everything they could find, including big, chunky chains, saucer-shaped sunglasses and pearl-encrusted earrings.

Although Valentino Garavani himself is known for his refined evening gowns and his sense of sleek glamour, in an interview with Vogue announcing the arrival of Michele's first collection, the Italian designer insisted that Garavani n was not a minimalist: [He was] rather maximalist, even in the 70s, when it was at its peak, he explained. There has always been a very Roman feeling of opulence and excess in his work, distilled by an obsession with beauty.

Perhaps intentionally, the collection arrives on the same day that Sabato De Sarno is set to launch his own SS25 offering for Gucci on the final day of Milan Fashion Week. De Sarno was moved from leading Valentino's design team to the top spot at Michele's old job in 2023, and has quietly exorcised the spirit of Gucci from Michele in recent seasons. De Sarno's vision for Gucci is much cleaner and understated, with the designer aiming to outfit cool young things with loose jeans, classic pea coats and slim fits.

With the De Sarnos SS25 offering debuting in just a few hours (June 17), click through the gallery above for a closer look at the Valentino Resort 2025 collection.




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