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How Kate Middleton Kept Her Public Return Plans a Secret

How Kate Middleton Kept Her Public Return Plans a Secret


Kate Middleton went so far as to re-wear a dress from her closet in order to keep her return to the public eye a secret while making contingency plans if she felt sick that day, sources told Page Six .

The Princess of Wales, who has cancer, was keen to join her family at King Charles' birthday celebration and Trooping the Color parade last Saturday.

But only a few people were kept informed. Kate personally called her father-in-law, who is also being treated for cancer, to tell him the good news and he was “delighted” that she could attend, the royal spokesperson told Page Six.

Behind the scenes, only a few trusted people knew about Kate Middleton's plan to attend the Trooping the Color fashion show – and arrangements were made in case she felt ill that day. Zak Hussein /
Kate Middleton made a triumphant return Saturday at the Trooping the Color fashion show, amid her battle with cancer. She is seen here on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Zak Hussein /

Last year, Charles, 75, stood next to his eldest son and heir to the throne, Prince William, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. This year, Kate was placed next to the monarch, clearly demonstrating how much they now rely on each other, according to a palace insider.

Well aware that her appearance was going to make waves around the world, Kate, 42, who had not made a public appearance since Christmas Day, discreetly called on royal photographer Matt Porteous for a top-secret shoot at her home last week.

The Welsh had already trusted Porteous to take the photos of Prince Louis' christening in 2018, as well as the photo used for the family's 2022 greetings card. He even filmed Prince William, 41, and Kate as they went shark diving in Belize.

Kate penned an extremely personal message to post alongside her latest photo, admitting there are “good days and bad days” and stressing she's “not out of the woods yet”.

Kate couldn't stop smiling as she rode around the mall in a horse-drawn carriage with her children. P.A.

Wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, a brown blazer and sneakers, the princess was captured by Porteous soaking up the lush greenery of the Windsor Estate, close to her home , Adelaide Cottage.

Being outside gives him strength and “being connected to nature is something that continues to support his recovery,” a source told us. “She likes to spend personal time on things that give her energy and positivity.”

Kate stood right next to King Charles, who is also battling cancer, as well as William and his children Louis and Charlotte. TOLGA AKMEN/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
William was in the spotlight alongside his father at last year's Trooping The Color fashion show. British press via Getty Images

As for Kate's fashion show outfit, she chose to 'recycle' a white dress she first wore on the eve of King Charles' coronation last year, with her hair styled in a bun under a white Philip Treacy hat.

She accessorized the outfit with her Cassandra Goad Cavolfiore pearl studs previously worn at Prince Louis' christening in 2018 and at Wimbledon in 2023 and the Irish Guards regimental brooch, nodding to her role as honorary colonel of the regiment.

British designer Jenny Packham's simple white and black dress was updated with black trim and ribbon at the neckline, as well as a black belt.

Kate secretly asked photographer Matt Porteous to come to Windsor last week to take a photo of her inside the park. Sources said being in nature helped her recovery. via REUTERS

While repeating the dress, it made a lasting fashion statement, but it also served another purpose.

“Simply reworking what she already has allowed Kate to keep this secret. [of her appearance] within its closest and most trusted team,” said Bethan Holt, fashion director at the UK Telegraph.

Kate is believed to still work with her long-time stylist Natasha Archer.

“We know for sure that Kate has in-house tailors to help her make something that fits her perfectly, and they could easily have added the new belt and that bow at the neckline, so Jenny Packham may not have known not even that Kate was going to wear the dress again,” Holt said.

Kate “upcycled” a white Jenny Packham dress for her return to the spotlight. Experts said this allowed her to keep her appearance a secret. James Veysey/Shutterstock

However, Holt added, Packham is one of Kate's “most trusted” designers.

She pointed out that Kate wore a personalized Packham dress every time she left the hospital with each of her newborns.

“These are very intimate and important moments, so it was a natural decision for Kate to turn to Jenny again,” Holt said.

Behind the scenes on Saturday, staff from Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace worked together to ensure there would be appropriate contingencies if Kate was unwell or unable to travel to Horseguards Parade and go up to the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

The Princess of Wales first wore her Jenny Packham dress to a reception on the eve of King Charles's coronation last May, before having it altered on Saturday. Getty Images

Saturday marked Kate's first public event in six months since she announced in March that she had cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy.

She could have easily rested inside Buckingham Palace while her children traveled with another high-ranking member of the royal family, like the Duchess of Edinburgh.

But in the end, Kate was able to ride in the Glass Coach with Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, before joining Prince William on the balcony.

Looking happy to be back on Saturday, Kate was seen looking after her children and talking to Princess Charlotte.

Palace sources were keen to point out that while we might see her in a few upcoming appearances, that doesn't mean she's back to work full-time.

“My treatment is ongoing and will last for a few more months,” Kate wrote with her photo. “I am learning to be patient, especially in the face of uncertainty. Take each day as it comes, listen to my body and allow myself to take this much needed time to heal.




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