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Tony Awards 2024 Trend: Sequins and Sparkling Dresses

Tony Awards 2024 Trend: Sequins and Sparkling Dresses


After sequins and sparkly embellishments had a big moment on the red carpet in 2023, the trend is here to stay this year, according to stars attending the 77th Annual Tony Awards on Sunday in New York.

Sarah Paulson, who won her first award for Best Actress in a Play, shone in a black and white column dress, while Cynthia Erivo put a metallic twist on the trend in a floor-length strapless dress.

Sarah Paulson

Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York, red carpet, Prada

Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York.

Kristina Bumphrey for Variety

Paulson fused the glitter embellishment trend with black and white hues, which have also been popular throughout awards season this year. Her custom Prada dress featured structured shoulders with satin bows. The American Horror Story star, who attended the Tony Awards alongside partner Holland Taylor, accessorized with Mindi Mond jewelry.

Cynthia Erivo

Cynthia Erivo at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York, red carpet, Louis Vuitton

Cynthia Erivo at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York.

Kristina Bumphrey for Variety

Erivo's strapless Louis Vuitton dress was covered in sequins. The “Wicked” star completed her look with diamond-encrusted Tiffany & Co. jewelry, including a statement necklace and rings.

Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York, red carpet, Monique Lhuillier

Brooke Shields at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York.

Kristina Bumphrey for Variety

Brooke Shields brought some sunshine to the red carpet in a Monique Lhuillier gown with a sequinned bodice and bow at the waist. The actress and model coordinated her look with a pair of matching Crocs and a gold clutch.

Taraji P. Henson

Taraji P. Henson at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York, red carpet, Oscar de la Renta

Taraji P. Henson at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York.

Getty Images for the Tony Awards

Taraji P. Henson wore an Oscar de la Renta dress embroidered with sequin scales. The actress added gold pumps and a bedazzled box clutch.

Maleah Joi Moon

Maleah Joi Moon at the 77th Annual Tony Awards held at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center on June 16, 2024 in New York City.  (Photo by Kristina Bumphrey/Variety via Getty Images)

Maleah Joi Moon at the 2024 Tony Awards on June 16 in New York.

Kristina Bumphrey for Variety

Maleah Joi Moon lit up the carpet in a trailing silver dress adorned with silver sequins. Her Marc Bouwer dress featured a peek-a-boo bodice and matching opera-length gloves. The “Hell's Kitchen” star completed her look with diamond-encrusted hoop earrings and a Mach & Mach handbag.

The annual Tony Awards, held at New York's Lincoln Center, celebrate the year's greatest theatrical achievements. Alicia Keys and Jay-Z performed “Empire State of Mind” at the 2024 ceremony, during which DeBose reprized her hosting role. Notable presenters included Angelina Jolie, Idina Menzel and Nick Jonas.

Alicia Keys, Julianne Hough, Ariana DeBose, Tony Awards 2024, red carpet looks




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