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A fashion show celebrating Warwickshire County Council's 'home'

A fashion show celebrating Warwickshire County Council's 'home'


Warwickshires’ “Refugee Runway” is a special fashion show that embodies the theme “Our Home” as part of the 2024 Refugee Week celebrations.

The event, organized by Warwickshire County Council, will take place on Friday 21st June at the PACCAR Room at the Royal Shakespeare Theater in Stratford-upon-Avon, marking a highlight of the week's activities.

“Refugee Runway” will feature clothing from the home countries of refugees resettled in the county. The show will also include poetry readings and live traditional music, providing a rich cultural experience. The fashion show marks the culmination of sewing workshops held across Warwickshire, where refugees and asylum seekers have created traditional clothing from their home countries, as well as collaborative pieces inspired by the concept of 'home “.

Cllr Sue Markham, Warwickshire County Council's portfolio manager for children and families, said:

“Warwickshire’s communities, services, businesses and residents have consistently come forward over the years, offering support in a variety of ways to offer refuge, support and friendship. We are incredibly proud of our local communities who warmly welcome refugees who have started a new chapter of their lives here.

“By fostering inclusive and welcoming communities, we create an environment in which refugees can rebuild their lives, thrive and make valuable contributions to our diverse society. Together we support those in need and demonstrate the strength of community unity. I invite everyone to join us in commemorating Refugee Week and celebrating our shared commitment to inclusion and support.

Local fashion designer Libby Esler led these workshops, encouraging creativity and community among participants. She added: “This project has been incredibly rewarding and I cherish every aspect of it. It is a joy to provide a creative space for these remarkable women to express themselves freely. Every person involved in this project has dedicated their hard work, fostering new friendships and sharing stories along the way. It was a real pleasure to collaborate with these inspiring women.

The event will include a performance for local schools. Pupils from St Gregory's Primary School will read a poem inspired by their Refugee Week learning and will be joined by pupils from Stratford Secondary Schools, Holy Trinity Primary and Sydenham Primary for this special performance.

Tickets for public performances on June 21 can be reserved using the following Eventbrite link: Fashion show for Refugee Week: Clothing from home.

Join us in celebrating Refugee Week 2024 and the rich cultural heritage of our community. Take part in this inspiring event which showcases the strength and creativity of refugees as they rebuild their lives in Warwickshire.

For more information about 'Refugee Runway' and other events during Refugee Week, visit the Warwickshire County Council website or follow us on social media.




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