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DVF uses Lenzings fibers to integrate sustainable fashion

DVF uses Lenzings fibers to integrate sustainable fashion


The DVF partnership is based on LenzingTencel Lyocell and Ecovero fibers are made from sustainably managed wood sources and produced with a significantly lower environmental impact in terms of carbon emissions and water consumption.

DVF hopes to integrate resource-efficient fibers into its flagship collection of everyday fashion items and curated accessories.

LenzingTencel and Ecovero brand fibers claim to be manufactured with 50% less carbon emissions and water consumption and are certified by the European Ecolabel for Environmental Excellence.

By leveraging the fibers' low environmental impact, the collaboration aims to help elevate DVF's design aesthetic and its vision of a more sustainable fashion industry aligns with Lenzings' commitment to revolutionize the industry textile with fiber solutions.

By integrating Lenzings' iconic specialty fibers into our designs, we are taking an important step towards meaningful change and inspiring a shift towards conscious fashion choices, said Jessie Chen, DVF Global Strategic Partner and CEO of Greater China.

Since January 2024, Tencel and Lenzing Ecovero fibers are already present in various DVF clothing collections, notably in the summer 2024 “Festival of Color” line, inspired by cultural celebrations around the world.

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Harold Weghorst, senior director of marketing and branding of the global textile business at Lenzing AG, added: As a leading producer of specialty fibers produced responsibly from natural raw material wood, Lenzing s is committed to driving product innovation and promoting environmental sustainability across the textile industry. By partnering with DVF, we are showing the potential of fashion that is both stylish and eco-friendly.

Last week (June 7), pulp maker Suzano took a 15% stake in specialty textile and non-woven fiber supplier Lenzing in a deal valued at $230 million (247. 3 million dollars).




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