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Evan Peters and Natalie Engel debut their relationship at Milan Fashion Week

Evan Peters and Natalie Engel debut their relationship at Milan Fashion Week


Love is in the air for Evan Peters and Natalie Engel!

THE American horror story alumnus, 37, confirmed his relationship with the writer when they stepped out for the Prada Spring/Summer 2025 men's fashion show in Milan, Italy on June 16. The couple smiled as they posed for the cameras and held hands before taking their seats.

Engel wore a beige and black plaid blouse and matching pleated skirt. She also accessorized her look with a white handbag. Peters, meanwhile, wore dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a gray cardigan.

Natalie Engle and Evan Peters hold hands during the Prada fashion show on June 16, 2024.

Victor Boyko/Getty

Inside the event, the two sat front row alongside Matt Bomer, Jonah Hauer-King, Jessica and David Oyelowo.

(L to R) Jonah Hauer-King, Evan Peters, Natalie Engel, David Jessica Oyelowo, Jessica Oyelowo and Matt Bomer.

Jacopo M. Raule/Getty

Peters and Engel were first linked when they were spotted dancing during Lana Del Rey's Coachella concert in April.

THE Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story the actor was last linked to Halsey. In October 2019, the former couple made their red carpet debut at the American horror story Celebrating the 100th episode in Los Angeles.

At the time, Peters and Halsey got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up as Sonny and Cher. Peters wore a matching polka dot shirt under a white suit and accessorized with a fake mustache and wig.

(left) Evan Peters and Halsey.
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty

The two eventually quietly split in 2020. Halsey first sparked breakup rumors when she deleted almost every photo they shared on her Instagram.

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Before the “Closer” singer, Peters was in a seven-year relationship with Emma Roberts. The two met while filming the 2013 indie comedy Adult world. They began dating in the summer of 2012, and PEOPLE confirmed their engagement in January 2014. The following year, they broke off their engagement and dated on and off before calling it quits for good in 2019.

“I realize that life is made up of ups and downs. I try to get by and live somewhere in between,” she said.Cosmopolitanat the time. “When you're depressed, you think it'll never end. When you're high, you're so afraid it will end.”




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