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Dior names Rihanna as new face of JAdore

Dior names Rihanna as new face of JAdore


Dior Beauty has named Rihanna as the face of Jadore in a bid to reinvigorate the flagship fragrance range. Its first campaign for the brand, photographed by Steven Klein, will be unveiled on September 1, the company said.

The unusual talent, boldness and captivating beauty of this absolute star are the ideal embodiment of dazzling and powerful Dior femininity that transcends generations, said CEO Vronique Courtois, adding that Christian Dior would certainly have adored her.

The news follows a February report from The fashion business specifying that the Barbadian singer and entrepreneur was about to return to the French brand; as well as Dior's recent announcement that Charlize Theron, the star of the iconic Jadores Gold Pool ads for more than two decades, was transitioning into a new role as skincare and skincare ambassador. brand makeup.

Rihanna was initially named Dior's first black ambassador in 2015, starring in a global fashion campaign shot in Versailles. Remaining a friend of the house even as she decided to launch her own lingerie, makeup, and fashion lines (the latter two backed by Dior's parent company LVMH), Rihanna's memorable looks over the years include extravagant pink capes, oversized androgynous costumes and a sheer, midriff-baring couture ensemble that showed off her 2022 pregnancy.

Being the new face of Jadore is both an honor and a mission, Rihanna said. I am particularly looking forward to joining this adventure and contributing to it through my world, my history, my roots, as well as my creativity and my own femininity.

The Jadore revamp is poised to become Dior's biggest fragrance launch since Jennifer Lawrence-led Joy in 2018. A blend of floral, fruity and sweet aromas, Jadore was originally launched in 1999 before quickly becoming a global company that consistently ranks among the best. 10 perfumes in all regions in the annual market share rankings of the consulting firm NPD. However, momentum in recent years has focused more on Dior's successful men's fragrance, Sauvage.

Rihanna's appointment comes as part of a long-term drive to align Dior's fashion and beauty image after decades of the two units operating rather independently, despite both being owned by LVMH.

Olivier Bialobos, long-time communications director of Christian Dior Coutures, has also gradually extended his authority over the beauty branch. Most recently, he was appointed last year to the role of deputy CEO responsible for overseeing the image and communications of both units.

Disclosure: LVMH is part of a group of investors who together hold a minority stake in The Business of Fashion. All investors have signed the shareholder documentation guaranteeing complete editorial independence of the BoF.




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