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4 fashion trends spotted at the Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2025 show by Pharrell Williams

4 fashion trends spotted at the Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2025 show by Pharrell Williams


Pharrell Williams has been on the field every season since taking the reins of Louis Vuitton's men's collections. The designer opened the Spring-Summer 2025 Men's Fashion Week in Paris with a new wardrobe centered around the notion of unity. After presenting its highly anticipated first fashion show on the Nouveau Pont, a stone's throw from the headquarters of the French trunk maker, and another, this time inspired by the roots of American western wardrobe and exploring the origins of workwear, at the Jardin d'Acclimaté in the 16th district of Paris, the multidisciplinary designer turned to the notion of unity. Last night's collection explored the similarities that unite us across the world, while paying homage to the craftsmanship and heritage of the French fashion house.

What better place for the exhibition than the grounds of the UNESCO House in Paris, built in 1958 with the aim of unifying humanity in world peace through culture? The collection was featured on the soundtrack of Williams' own composition Triumph of the Cosmos Some of the collection's most striking prints were developed in partnership with creative collective Air Afrique, who also produced a cinematic prelude to the show. A look back at the key trends from the show which successfully opened Men's Spring/Summer 2025 Fashion Week in Paris.

Fashion trends from the Pharrell Williams spring-summer 2025 show for Louis Vuitton

All colors come from black

Contrary to what we are used to seeing in his first Louis Vuitton watch, Pharrell Williams opened his show with around twenty black silhouettes. Although at first glance they may appear discreet, the looks, composed of velvet suits with rhinestone collars, leather biker pants, a fully monogram tracksuit and a cardigan combined with suit pants, stand out thanks to the details anchored in the know-how of the house. TO DO. The designer played with materials, tones and transparency to enhance the clothes.

Louis Vuitton Men SpringSummer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men Spring/Summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men SpringSummer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men Spring/Summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men SpringSummer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men Spring/Summer 2025

Photographed by Acielle / Style Du Monde


Pharrell Williams, originally from Virginia in the United States, turned to travel to create this new wardrobe for Louis Vuitton. He took inspiration from the uniforms of aviation pilots, which included fitted jackets, perfectly cut double-breasted coats and suits, and knitwear with the distinctive pilot insignia. It also caters to travelers, with tracksuits, silky evening pajamas and jumpsuits worn with sleeves wrapped around the waist. The resulting look was an image of the modern-day globetrotter.

Louis Vuitton men spring-summer 2025

Louis Vuitton men's spring/summer 2025

Louis Vuitton men spring-summer 2025

Louis Vuitton men's spring/summer 2025


Was Pharrell Williams Inspired by the current European Football Championship? It would seem so, since the designer has made several nods to the game, thus paying homage to what he considers to be the most unifying game in the world. Football jerseys emblazoned with the Louis Vuitton logo and a bomber jacket apparently made from rubber balls hit the catwalk. These designs fit perfectly into the currently growing blokecore trend, which combines 1990s British pub culture and football fan style.

Louis Vuitton Men spring-summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men spring/summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men spring-summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men spring/summer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men SpringSummer 2025

Louis Vuitton Men Spring/Summer 2025

Photographed by Acielle / Style Du Monde

Hand in the bag!

Because Louis Vuitton is above all famous for its leather accessories, Pharrell Williams unveiled a new line of soft leather accessories, including the house's emblematic Alma, Christophe And Never full, designed in ultra soft leather, just like the Fast P9 model presented by the designer during his first fashion show. This season, the designer has chosen to offer the latter in softer pastel colors, such as pale pink, peach and mint green.




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