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Here's what a fashion editor says about packing for Europe this summer

Here's what a fashion editor says about packing for Europe this summer


Tis the season for fulfilling travel dreams, especially those related to seaside summers abroad. The downside is that summer vacation requires continuous planning right up until the moment you board the plane. Packing is always a daunting task, and airline weight restrictions and limited space add pressure to the process. What every fashion-conscious traveler really needs is an expert to create a destination-specific capsule wardrobe.

Independent editor, artist and content creator Kerry Pieri understands the art of intentional wardrobe selection. She's also great at traveling while still looking chic, having regularly jet-set around the world as the former fashion director at Harpers Bazaar. I view my minimalist style with interest. I like details or something interesting in each look while still maintaining restraint, she wrote in an email to Her Instagram feed is a study in the elegance of clashing colors and ubiquitous neutrals, a cohesive look from her wardrobe to her home decor. If there's anyone whose advice we trust when creating chic, versatile fashion, it's hers.

Read on for one fashion editor's tips on what to pack for a summer trip abroad, including exactly what she packed on vacation to Lake Como, Italy.

Limited color palette

One way to maximize the ability to mix and match is to adopt a minimalist color palette. So far, I'm experiencing a black and white summer! It makes things really easy and I find it very chic to work within a limited time frame. [color]< position="inread" progressive="" ad-id="article-0-inread" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"/> palette, writes Pieri. Add a red lip and a fun pendant necklace and you're golden.

Her personal aesthetic conveys a clean minimalism softened by the use of neutral and earthy tones, interspersing contemporary silhouettes with classic pieces and vintage finds. She often uses texture, as opposed to color or prints, to bring variations and nuances found in details, such as the choice of the color of your lips or your jewelry.

Ready-to-wear and shoes

Summer in Europe calls for breathable fabrics and airy cuts, like linen shorts and flowy maxi dresses. [I packed] some great white dresses like a drop waist from Dissh which I love and an airy Khaite poplin dress in a fun shape, says Pieri. I'm also in the bubble skirt [and] J.Crew has a great one.

Her packing list also includes sleeveless tank tops, and she says she particularly likes these from French brand Szane and Armoire NYC. To transition into the night, Pieri packed a pair of black linen pants from Posse. I always include a few easy knits for the evening. Soft Goat has been a recent favorite, she adds.

Pieris shoe selections include two comfortable options for the day. She names easy slides like Birkenstocks and likes New Balance or Adidas Gazelle sneakers as go-tos for comfort. For added height, she recommends flat-heeled styles to offset the charming European cobblestones (which are difficult to walk on in heels). She packed platform sandals, especially the Neil J. Rodgers Obi Platform, $525 and wedge heels, both perfect for day or night. I also include a fun shoe, like my silver Larroud wedges, she says of the Larroud Yves Wedge in Silver Specchio$315.

Beach and pool essentials

It's a very good foldable bag, says Pieri about the black Dandy Del Mar The Amabile raffia bag, $119. Its transparent texture is reminiscent of the cotton mesh style of a French market bag, while its crocheted style and raffia-like thread are part of two of the biggest fashion trends for summer 2024.

A tote is ideal for sightseeing but also for storing your pool and beach essentials. At Pieris you will find a pair of his beloved sunglasses, Vehla Kaia to Malbec, $200, and most likely the multi-tasking tinted SPF, Agent Nateur holi(sun) SPF 50, $58, which offers both protection and coverage. She says she likes to refresh her hair with dry shampoo after a day by the water, naming Rossano Ferretti Vivace 24/7 Parma Dry Cream Shampoo$20, as his preferred choice.

Her chosen swimsuit is a sleeveless one-piece with black and white stripes. THE SAME Los Angeles Striped Strapless One-Piece, $195, makes up for its simplicity by incorporating a faux suede texture. If you're straying from the water's edge and heading to a cafe or bar, it can be easily paired with flowy linen drawstring pants, a wrap skirt, or even shorts. (Note: For option including bust size, Cosabella Vita Marina shaping bandeau swimsuit$235, offers a strapless alternative in a minimalist aesthetic.)

Other Travel Essentials

I love my Away luggage, she says of the line of lightweight, durable luggage and travel accessories. I also always take the Xlear nasal spray for the flight because it helps you [prevent] get sick. I've been doing it for eight or nine years and it works wonderfully. The nasal spray contains ingredients like saline and xylitol, with some variations including essential oils, to relieve symptoms like congestion, dryness, and irritation.

Finally, because Europe is known for its cuisine and fresh ingredients, Pieri recommends his favorite digestive enzymes, Enzymedica GlutenEase, $26.24, in case you are sensitive to gluten. I'm gluten-free due to my sensitivity, but I like to dabble when I'm abroad, she says. I always pack these pills that make gluten easier to digest.




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