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All the highlights of Paris Men's Fashion Week SS25

All the highlights of Paris Men's Fashion Week SS25


Wales Bonner's new adidas samba and Kenzo's Parisian Safari: all the highlights of Paris Men's Fashion Week SS25

Jet set from Milan, we arrive in the heart of Paris Men's Fashion Week, a calendar of collections punctuated by some notable highlights. Of course, we can't wait to feast on Pharrell Williams' third blockbuster menswear show for Louis Vuitton, but we're also sad to say goodbye to designer Dries Van Noten at his final show (the designer has announced his retirement of his eponymous company). label last month).

For all the highlights from this week's screenings, read on…

Wales Bonner

One of the highlights of the Wales Bonners SS25 Midnight Palms show was the unveiling of another landmark collaboration with adidas, cementing the British designer's innovative partnership with the sportswear giant. Overall, the collection pays homage to British-Trinidadian artist Althea McNish, drawing inspiration from the vibrant nightlife of Caribbean coastal towns, reflected in the shimmering black and silver sequins of the new Sambas.

Louis Vuitton

Pharrell and Louis Vuitton took over the UNESCO headquarters in Paris for their SS25 show, a collection that “celebrates the human of the earth,” Pharrell said in his show notes. Take inspiration from a cult French film from 1995Hate,and in collaboration with the creative collective Air Afrique, named after a now-defunct West African airline, the show had a distinctive unifying spirit. You can read our full review of the show for more notes on the collection, location, and guests in attendance.


Under the spell of a sunny Parisian afternoon, NIGO unveiled the KENZO SS25 collection at the emblematic Jardin Du Palais Royal. The atmosphere was simply enchanting, with the central Paris venue transformed into a bustling safari scene, attended by a star-studded guest list that included Pharrell Williams and Maluma.

Continuing to blur the lines between Parisian sophistication and Tokyo's urban side, digitized plant graphics meet plein air embroidery and adventurous accessories in soft-grass double-breasted suits and mesh tank tops supported by KENZO-branded flip-flops. Three-piece sets in muted green were paired with wide-brimmed hats and multifunctional crossbody bags, while tonal denim ensembles, embroidered ties and full-zip hoodies followed, punctuated by NIGO's playful cartoon tigers on cropped outerwear and plush shoulder accessories.

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