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Everything is positive at the Hibiscus Blue Ribbon Fashion Show

Everything is positive at the Hibiscus Blue Ribbon Fashion Show


The 25th Annual Blue Ribbon Luncheon and Fashion Show kicked off with an enchanting Up, Up & Away themed event at the Oak Harbor Club to benefit the Hibiscus Childrens Center.

Hosted by co-chairs Cathy Cronin, Pam Larrick and Susie Kintner and members of the Hibiscus Guild, the event reached new heights to raise funds for at-risk children removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect receive the care, guidance and opportunities they need to thrive.

For over 30 years, Hibiscus has ensured that these children have a safe haven, mental health care, preventive care and life skills training.

After a champagne reception in which guests mused about silent auction items, they sat down to lunch amid a sea of ​​blue balloons representing Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Linda Teetz, president of the Indian River County Guild, said the loving and caring staff at Hibiscus Village in Vero Beach engages children in a variety of programs to help them heal. And they're prepared for success through programs like the Career Pathways to Independence program, where they learn graphic design and cooking skills.

When they participate in these programs, their school attendance increases. Last year, 98 percent of the village's children moved up a grade level and some were on the honor roll, Teetz said.

Hibiscus must raise $3 million each year to support its activity. Hibiscus receives funding from the state and federal government, but it's not enough to cover everything we do for children, said Matt Markley, CEO of HCC, adding that the annual luncheon raised more of $2.2 million since its creation 25 years ago.

He noted that every day, Hibiscus receives referrals for children who have been removed from their homes and need a place to live.

One of Hibiscus' greatest strengths is that we help kids imagine what a better life can be, Markley added before introducing guest speaker Dave Miller, who was a Hibiscus resident about 35 years.

At age 5, Miller and his two younger siblings were found in a hotel room in Okeechobee, a week after their mother abandoned them with only a small bag of Oreo cookies to share.

What happened to him as a child impacted who he is today, said Miller, who is now a successful chef and restaurateur in Chicago, where he lives with his wife and children. two children.

Core memories are an integral part of who we become as people. I remember being so hungry, Miller said, attributing the memory to his career choice.

He said other memories that stood out, once he finally made it to safety in Hibiscus, included it being the first time he felt clean, celebrating a birthday and that he had been held and comforted.

The annual fashion show, produced by Sobol Fashion Productions, featured Miami-based models showcasing the latest spring and summer women's fashion trends at local stores across the island: Belle Cose, Cooper & Co ., Frances Brewster, Island Cashmere, J. McLaughlin, Johnny. Was and Sassy Boutique, as well as a selection of men's clothing from Vernon Scott.

The afternoon demonstrated the commitment of Hibiscus Guild members and other supporters of the Hibiscus Childrens Center to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to soar toward a better future.

For more information, visit

Photos by Joshua Kodis




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