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Keira Knightley comes out of fashion retirement for Erdem

Keira Knightley comes out of fashion retirement for Erdem


Keira Knightley is not easily persuaded to leave the cozy confines of her private life, but she will return to the fray for Erdem Moralioglu and the Duchess of Devonshire. The period drama favorite visited Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, one of the majestic venues of 2005. Pride and Prejudicewith Knightley herself as the delightfully provocative Elizabeth Bennetto, see the opening of Imaginary conversationsan exhibition paying tribute to the late Dowager Duchess, Deborah Cavendish, through the lens of Moralioglus.

Erdem, as fans know, had Mitford's former daughter Debo affectionately called him muse of its spring-summer 2024 collection after he fell in love with both sides of her eclectic personality. Deborah was a huge Elvis fan who loved rare breed chickens and cast a spell on legions of men; having once declared that she would marry a duke, she married Lord Andrew Cavendish, who unexpectedly became one. She threw herself into restoring Chatsworth, the Devonshire family seat known as the Palace of the Woodpeckers, with the same enthusiasm she had for collecting insect jewelry.

Image may contain Keira Knightley Architecture Building House Housing Staircase Blazer Clothing Coat and jacket

Erdem Moralioglu and Keira Knightley

Dave Bennett/Getty Images

Image may contain Jenna Coleman Architecture Building House Housing Staircase Adult person Clothing and dresses

Jenna Coleman

Dave Bennett/Getty Images

At the time, Candida Lycett Green worked for British Vogue that the Harrods-sized country house needed 2,592 bulbs to light its 297 rooms (48 of which were gigantic), 1,000 meters of passageways and 17 staircases, while the various animals living in the 105 acres of land required practical care. Debo is always on the cutting edge, looking forward to tomorrow, Lycett Green said of the Duchess's infectious joie de vivre, zero pretensions and exquisite turn of phrase. It's not a stretch to imagine Knightley herself playing the last sister of Mitfordwhich has naturally found itself on many fashion mood boards over the years.

Unprecedented archival access granted by the Chatsworth House Trust gives Erdems' chintzy Spring '24 collection a rare authenticity that makes it a cut above the rest. The historic curtains that the designer reused for the trapeze opera coats made in collaboration with Barbour fit perfectly among the ball gowns of the Regency rooms, which set the stage for Imaginary conversationswhile his canvases and tools are perfect curiosities to complement Debo's wacky poultry-shaped purses.

Image may contain James Righton Keira Knightley Formal Wear Suit Blazer Coat Jacket and architecture

James Righton and Keira Knightley

Dave Bennett/Getty Images

Image may contain Gugu MbathaRaw Blouse Clothing Adult Person Face Head Photography Portrait Sleeves and Dress

Gugu Mbatha-Raw

Dave Bennett/Getty Images

Keira Knightley, who was the first to wear a piece (Look 31, since you asked) from the most recent pre-Spring-Summer 2025 collection, joined Moralioglu and her brand friends Jenna Coleman and Gugu Mbatha- Raw for a private tour through the Leicester House and the House of Scots, scene of much of the house arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the late 1560s, before dining on turbot and roasted squash in the sculpture gallery, and ending the evening singing some of Debo's favorite Elvis songs over martinis in the library. It was the perfect ending to what Erdem called his love letter to Debo, as he toasted old friends, new friends and Imaginary conversations. Someone quickly put this sweet period drama into production.

This article first appeared on British Vogue.




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