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Brie Larson and Alexandra Daddario Accidentally Twin in the Same Polka Dot Dress at Filming Italy Event

Brie Larson and Alexandra Daddario Accidentally Twin in the Same Polka Dot Dress at Filming Italy Event


Oops !

Brie Larson and Alexandra Daddario had an accidental twinning moment in Italy when both actresses at the Filming Italy event wore the exact same dress.

Both stars chose a black and white polka dot design from celebrity-favorite brand Den, which costs $498 and features a 1950s-inspired sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps and doesn't appear to coordinate on purpose.

Alexandra Daddario and Brie Larson accidentally showed up to the same event in Italy wearing the exact same dress. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images
Larson styled her look with black strappy heels. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images
Daddario opted for a more casual vibe by adding white sneakers. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images

Larson, 34, accessorized her look with black strappy heels and a red clutch, while Daddario, 38, dressed hers down with white sneakers and a casual straw handbag for the film festival, which runs until Sunday.

The duo didn't shy away from each other despite the potential awkwardness, posing in photos together with John David Washington and others on the red carpet.

While the “Captain Marvel” star didn't post about the event, the “White Lotus” actress did. share a snapshot even though she made fun of her “San Andreas” co-stars, staging reunions with Ioan Gruffudd and Carla Gugino and Photoshopping a photo of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, all of whom appeared in the 2015 film .

The couple had no problem posing for photos together on the red carpet. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images
The “White Lotus” star accessorized with a straw handbag. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images
And the Marvel actress went with a sleek red clutch. Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images

Rachel Zegler joked, “so nice of the rock to show up camera ready” and another wrote: “The Rock hasn't aged a day.”

Later in the day, Daddario donned a white maxi dress with a floral design around her waist.

Larson is no stranger to red carpet matchmaking; she and her Marvel co-star Scarlett Johansson both wore their own versions of Infinity Gauntlets to the premiere of “Avengers: End Game” in 2019, as a nod to the ultimate villain, Thanos.

Perhaps Larson and Daddario will team up for a future project on or off the red carpet.




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