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Weekly Fashion Roundup: June 21


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This week, some of the biggest moments in fashion news included fashion week, creative director departures, dealing with new ambassadors and much more.

Leading the way was Paris Men's Fashion Week for the Spring/Summer 2025 season. Hot on its heels was Alessandro Micheles' surprise debut collection at Valentino for Cruise 2025.

Elsewhere, Luke Meier announced he was stepping down as creative director of OAMC; Rihanna is the new face of the Diors JAdore perfume line and Thom Browne launched his new line of glasses made in Japan.

Below, Hypebeast has rounded up the top fashion news stories of the week so you can stay on top of industry trends.

Paris Fashion Week Men SS25

It's that time of year when fashion month is in full swing. Currently, the menswear collections for the Spring/Summer 2025 season are showing first in London before stopping in Florence at Pitti Uomo, then heading to Milan. Now with a full calendar, Paris Fashion Week is in full swing after starting on June 18.

With a roster of big names, the shows represented big names like Louis Vuitton, Dior, Rick Owens, Junya Watanabe and many more. For a full list of shows and reviews, check out Hypebeasts coverage of Paris Men's Fashion Week for SS25.

Alessandro Michele presents his Valentino vision with the Resort 2025 collection

Following Alessandro Michele's departure from Gucci, it was announced that the designer would be taking his talents to Valentino last March. To everyone's surprise, the designer unexpectedly released the Valentinos Resort 2025 offering this week, marking his first collection for the house.

Fusing the style of the 60s and 70s with some of Valentino's core codes, the new collection demonstrates Michele's maximalist signature. Spanning 171 looks, the collection echoes some of Gucci's designer work and is a smart departure from Pierpaolo Picciolis Valentino.

Click the link for a full look at the Valentinos Resort 2025 collection from its new creative director, Alessandro Michele.

Luke Meier steps down as creative director of OAMC

Luke Meier is leaving his role as creative director of OAMC, the brand he founded alongside Arnaud Faeh.

Since OAMC's founding in 2013, Luke Meier has served as the brand's creative director, continuing to craft his expressive design vision. With his departure, OAMC's Spring/Summer 2024 offering was Meier's final collection for the brand. In 2021, Meier and Faeh took over full ownership of the brand after acquiring the minority stake from Onward Holdings. Even if Meier steps down as creative director, he is expected to lead specific projects.

I would like to thank everyone involved in OAMC, especially Arnaud and Edwin Faeh, for their company, enthusiasm and support in creating such a wonderful project, said Meier. I am confident in leaving the studio in very capable hands and look forward to the exceptional success that OAMC will experience in the years to come.

Rihanna is the new face of Dior J'Adore

Rihanna's portfolio is endless. Now, the star is the new face of Dior's signature JAdore fragrance line. The selection is a wise choice given that Rihanna was the house's first black ambassador in 2015.

“Being the new face of Jadore is both an honor and a mission,” Rih said via the outlet. “I am particularly looking forward to joining this adventure and contributing to it through my world, my history, my roots, but also my creativity and my own femininity. »

Rihanna's inaugural campaign for the Steven Klein-photographed replica is set to debut September 1, according to Fashion business.

Thom Browne unveils a line of glasses made in Japan

Thom Browne glasses are making a comeback and this time in-house.

Previously, Thom Browne had a licensing partnership for his eyewear, which has since ended. Bringing eyewear in-house, the brand has unveiled a new collection of sunglasses and eyewear made in Japan.

The range includes special titanium frames with Japanese acetate. Of course, the pieces also include 100% UVA and UVB protection. Priced from US$540 to US$2,790, Thom Brownes' new eyewear collection is available now in select stores and online.




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