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RiverDogs win first game of second half in rain


Charleston, South Carolina – The Charleston RiverDogs received a little help from Mother Nature, shutting out the Lynchburg Hillcats 3-0 in a rain-shortened game Friday night at Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park. The victory marked the pitching staff's sixth shutout victory of the season. The first match of the second half brought together 4,522 spectators.

The RiverDogs (1-0, 28-38) opened the new half with a bang offensively. Woo Shin grounded out against Jackson Humphries to get on base for Raudelis Martinez. The RiverDogs catcher lofted a Humphries offering over the wall in right field for his third homer of the season, giving the home team a 2-0 advantage.

Gary Gill Hill dominated the mound for a second straight start. The 19-year-old right-hander blanked the Hillcats (0-1, 37-30) in 6.0 innings. He allowed only five hits, all singles, and struck out six. Over his last two starts, Gill Hill has combined to allow one run on seven hits in 13.0 innings, striking out 15 during that span. His earned run average fell to 2.11 for the season.

Will Stevens walked the first two batters he faced in the top of the seventh, but rebounded to retire the final two batters of the game to end a scoreless inning. The offense added an insurance run late in the same inning. Bryan Broecker drew a leadoff walk and stole second base. Odalys Peguero rose to the occasion, rolling a goal down the middle to score Broecker and make it 3-0.

Seth Chavez recorded two outs in the eighth before hitting Wuilfredo Antunez with a pitch. As the next batter came, heavy rain began to fall and the tarp was placed on the field. The match was ruled final and the RiverDogs were victorious.

Peguero led the RiverDogs with two hits. Esteban Gonzalez finished with three of Lynchburg's five hits.

Fun at the ballpark

Before the game, the RiverDogs dedicated the media room inside the press box to longtime Post and Courier sports editor Gene Sapakoff. During his 38-year career at the newspaper, Sapakoff was named South Carolina's sportswriter of the year, a record eight times. He first covered the Charleston Rainbows from 1986 to 1993 and continued his coverage of the team after the transition to the RiverDogs moniker. He was inducted into the South Atlantic League Hall of Fame in 1988 and later coined Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park's nickname, The Joe, in a column.

The series continues Saturday evening with a first pitch at 6:05 p.m. The game will kick off Larry Doby Weekend presented by MUSC Health. The RiverDogs will wear Newark Eagles jerseys and Lynchburg will dress as Homestead Grays. LHP Chris Villaman (3-0, 0.90) will work the mound first for the RiverDogs while RHP Alonzo Richardson (4-4, 3.65) is expected to counter for Lynchburg.

The RiverDogs continue their quest for a fourth straight Carolina League championship in 2024. Full game schedule is available here. Season passes, Dog-E Coin packages and group tickets, including options for the Segra Club at Riley Park, are available at // To benefit from the lowest prices, go directly to The Segra Club is also open for events all year round. Visit for more information. The all new RiverDogs Food Truck is available for your next event! Contact RiverDogs Front Desk at 843-577-3647 (DOGS) for more information.




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