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Demi Moore, 61, enjoys a flirty laugh with actor Michael Ward, 26, as they sit front row at the Dior Paris Men's Fashion Week show

Demi Moore, 61, enjoys a flirty laugh with actor Michael Ward, 26, as they sit front row at the Dior Paris Men's Fashion Week show


Demi Moore had an affectionate laugh with actor Michael Ward as they sat together in the front row at the Dior Homme show during Paris Men's Fashion Week on Friday.

The actress, 61, looked in good spirits as she shared a laugh with the Top Boy star, 26, while sitting among their fashion-loving friends at Notre-Dame du Val From Grace in the French capital.

Demi, who showcased her toned pins in tailored culottes, certainly looked smitten with the EE Rising Star winner as she laughed heartily while he ducked behind her in delight.

The two looked into their own world while chatting together, with the two getting along well at the event.

Demi, who was holding her chihuahua Pilaf, looked sensational at the fashion show, opting for an oversized navy blazer layered with a gray blouse with wide lapels.

Demi Moore had an affectionate laugh with actor Michael Ward as they sat together in the front row at the Dior Homme show during Paris Men's Fashion Week on Friday.

Demi Moore had an affectionate laugh with actor Michael Ward as they sat together in the front row at the Dior Homme show during Paris Men's Fashion Week on Friday.

The actress, 61, looked in good spirits as she shared a laugh with the Top Boy star, 26, while sitting among their fashion-loving friends at Notre-Dame du Val From Grace in the French capital.

The actress, 61, looked in good spirits as she shared a laugh with the Top Boy star, 26, while sitting among their fashion-loving friends at Notre-Dame du Val From Grace in the French capital.

She completed the look with culottes and slipped her feet into white gladiator sandals. Demi accessorized with a large white Dior handbag and a patterned blue scarf.

Meanwhile, Michael stood out in a bright orange jacket and matching trainers, teaming it with a taupe top and trousers.

The Jamaican-born star has enjoyed a big rise to fame since winning the EE Rising Star BAFTA award in 2020, a feat which left her mother in tears.

He beat out tough competition from Jack Lowden, Awkwafina, Kaitlyn Dever and Kelvin Harrison Jr. to win the prestigious honor and no one was prouder than his mother, who watched from the audience.

As well as playing the role of Jamie in Top Boy, he also featured in the TV series The A List, playing the character Brendan.

The actor also landed roles in Small Axe, The Book Of Clarence and Empire Of Light, in which his character Stephen has an age relationship with Olivia Colman's character Hilary.

This year, Michael played a starring role alongside acting legend Bill Nighy in the sports drama The Beautiful Game.

Meanwhile, at the Dior show on Friday, Michael and Ghost star Demi were in good company, with his daughter Scout also making a fashionable appearance.

Demi, who showcased her toned pins in tailored culottes, certainly looked smitten with the EE Rising Star winner as she laughed heartily while he ducked behind her in delight.

Demi, who showcased her toned pins in tailored culottes, certainly looked smitten with the EE Rising Star winner as she laughed heartily while he ducked behind her in delight.

The two looked into their own world while chatting together, with the two getting along well at the event.

The two looked into their own world while chatting together, with the two getting along well at the event.

The movie stars were all smiles for the camera as they sat side by side at the event.

The movie stars were all smiles for the camera as they sat side by side at the event.

Demi, who was holding her chihuahua Pilaf, looked sensational at the fashion show, opting for an oversized navy blazer layered with a gray blouse with wide lapels.

Demi, who was holding her chihuahua Pilaf, looked sensational at the fashion show, opting for an oversized navy blazer layered with a gray blouse with wide lapels.

Meanwhile, Michael stood out in a bright orange jacket and matching trainers, teaming it with a taupe top and trousers.

Meanwhile, Michael stood out in a bright orange jacket and matching trainers, teaming it with a taupe top and trousers.

The Jamaican-born star has enjoyed a big rise to fame since winning the EE Rising Star BAFTA award in 2020, a feat which left her mother in tears.

The Jamaican-born star has enjoyed a big rise to fame since winning the EE Rising Star BAFTA award in 2020, a feat which left her mother in tears.

Emotional: Michael's mother was visibly emotional, covering her face and wiping away tears as he gave an emotional speech

Emotional: Michael's mother was visibly emotional, covering her face and wiping away tears as he gave an emotional speech

Scout, 32, put her long legs on display as she donned a paisley print playsuit teamed with a purple cardigan and black patent loafers.

Kate Moss, 50, looked incredible at the event as she showed off her tanned and toned pins in tailored gray shorts, while a pair of black heels enhanced her model figure.

She paired the shorts with a matching blazer which she layered over a black satin vest which featured a plunging neckline to show off her cleavage.

Posing for snaps before watching the show, the blonde bombshell was joined by French singer and songwriter Amanda Lear, with the pair enjoying themselves for snaps.

Once inside and settled on the FROW, Kate was joined by her boyfriend, Count Nikolai von Bismarck, 37.

Meanwhile, at the Dior show on Friday, Michael and Ghost star Demi were in good company, with his daughter Scout also making a fashionable appearance.

Meanwhile, at the Dior show on Friday, Michael and Ghost star Demi were in good company, with his daughter Scout also making a fashionable appearance.

Kate, 50, looked incredible at the event as she showed off her tanned and toned pins in tailored gray shorts, while a pair of black heels enhanced her model figure.

Kate Moss, 50, looked incredible at the event as she showed off her tanned and toned pins in tailored gray shorts, while a pair of black heels enhanced her model figure.

Posing for snaps before watching the show, the blonde bombshell was joined by French singer and songwriter Amanda Lear, with the pair enjoying themselves for snaps.

Posing for snaps before watching the show, the blonde bombshell was joined by French singer and songwriter Amanda Lear, with the pair enjoying themselves for snaps.

Once inside and settled on the FROW, Kate was joined by her boyfriend, Count Nikolai von Bismarck, 37.

Once inside and settled on the FROW, Kate was joined by her boyfriend, 37-year-old Count Nikolai von Bismarck.

The models had all eyes on them

They stormed the catwalk in a range of stylish ensembles at the show

Models had all eyes on them as they took to the catwalk in an array of stylish ensembles during the show.

Models paraded surrounded by giant cat-shaped statues

Models paraded surrounded by giant cat-shaped statues

Brooklyn Beckham, 25, made a rare solo appearance without his wife Nicola Peltz as he posed up a storm during the fashion show.

David and Victoria Beckham's eldest child wore a taupe cardigan over an olive green jacket and gray wide-leg pants and sneakers.

Robert Pattinson, 38, also looked dapper as he donned a high-necked navy jacket with matching pants and a pale blue shirt.

He completed his look with burgundy sunglasses and loafers adorned with gold studs.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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