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Paris Fashion Week: images from the Christian Dior Homme spring-summer 2025 show

Paris Fashion Week: images from the Christian Dior Homme spring-summer 2025 show


Fashion Week, the unmissable meeting place for major fashion houses and young designers, returns to Paris with its ultra-stylish fashion shows! Discover the Dior men's ready-to-wear trends for the Spring-Summer 2025 season.

Fashion Week is back in Paris! An unmissable event for fashion aficionados, this week celebrates the textile creations of iconic fashion houses and designers, with a multitude of stylish and often unforgettable creations. watch. From February 26 to March 5, 2024Paris will vibrate to the rhythm of the shows revealing the Prt–Porter Spring-Summer 2025 Collections from the biggest names in fashion and the trendiest labels!

Fashion Week visuals - image00001Fashion Week visuals - image00001Fashion Week visuals - image00001Fashion Week visuals - image00001 Paris Fashion Week: the final program of spring-summer 2025 men's ready-to-wear shows
Here we go again! From Tuesday June 18 to Sunday June 23, 2024, the capital hosts a new Parisian fashion week, the famous and unmissable Fashion Week. The opportunity to discover the men's ready-to-wear collections for the Spring/Summer 2025 season, as well as the highly anticipated new trends! [Read more]

Among the ambassadors of Parisian couture, Christian Dior is a must. The House has marked the history of fashion by spearheading the New look in post-war Paris. She even participated in the very first Paris Fashion Week in 1973! Today, the iconic brand still occupies a prominent place on the catwalk calendar.

Since 2016, Maria Grazia Chiuri has been responsible for artistic creation since Christian Dior's women's collections. Italian stylist and feminist, her arrival breathes a new modernity into the collections, reinterpreting the iconic codes of Dior while asserting an assertive and creative femininity. Maria Grazia also encourages craftsmanship and artisans from around the world, integrating these riches into the very heart of its collections. A remarkable career to date, for the very first woman to occupy the position of artistic director in the history of the House!

The reins of Dior Men Collectionsin the meantime, have been detained by Kim Jones since 2018. Jones masterfully fuses classic charm and contemporary aesthetics, reinventing menswear with panache. A visionary who lights up the catwalks!

Fashion Week 2022 Paris: the men’s collection shows follow livestream Fashion Week 2022 Paris: the men’s collection shows follow livestream Fashion Week 2022 Paris: the men’s collection shows follow livestream Fashion Week 2022 Paris: the men’s collection shows follow livestream Paris Fashion Week: stream the spring-summer 2025 men's shows live
Fashion Week returns to Paris to unveil the men's ready-to-wear trends for the Spring-Summer 2025 season, from June 18 to 23, 2024. Fashion lovers will be able to follow most of the shows livestream: Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Dior and Kenzo are all on the program! [Read more]

For that Fashion Week 2024 in ParisHome Dior presented his Ready to wear collection this Friday June 21, 2024 has 2:30 p.m.. Here are images from the show:




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