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Countryfiles Anita Rani hits back at former Womans Hour host Jenni Murray for reductive remarks on Bafta dress


Anita Rani hit back at comments made by the former women's hour stalwart Dame Jenni Murray, who criticized the Country file host for wearing only his underwear to the Baftas.

The 46-year-old man, who welcomed Country file since 2015 andWomen's hour since 2021, attended the TV Awards in May wearing a sheer mesh fabric maxi dress with a nude-colored bodysuit underneath, by designer Rebecca Vallance.

In response to Ranis' team, Murray, who hosted the BBC Radio 4 show for 33 years until 2020, dedicated a Daily Mail column to express how shocked and horrified she was to see Rani wearing only her underwear, probably a bit of both, but my overriding emotion was one of deep disappointment.

While Murray, 74, called Rani a trustworthy presenter, she criticized the host for jumping on the bandwagon by wearing as little as possible to show off.

Murray compared Rani to popstar Rita Ora, who wore a dress of a similar style to the one at the Met Gala in May. Murray, however, claimed that Anywhere singer Ora didn't have to worry about her reputation as a thinker, unlike Rani.

She then told her successor that women's hour presenters should stick to the feminist principle that women should be seen as valued for their minds.

Rani has now responded to these criticisms saying The telegraph that she found Murray's argument reductive and worrying.

Anita Rani calls Jenni Murray's remarks about her Bafta dress reductive

Anita Rani calls Jenni Murray's remarks about her Bafta dress reductive (Pennsylvania)

What was his argument that Rita Ora can get away with it because no one expects her to have a brain? I think it's a very reductive and quite strange argument, she said.

Rani said the world had moved on from such ideas, adding: “Is it any wonder you can have a brain and wear sexy clothes?

The presenter, who hosts the radio show alongside Nuala McGovern, said she was slightly concerned that Murray would make such criticism, since the channel was at the forefront of women's houra radio show that has long championed women speaking out on their own terms.

Dame Jenni Murray, who hosted Womans Hour for 33 years, said women must be valued for their minds.

Dame Jenni Murray, who hosted Womans Hour for 33 years, said women must be valued for their minds. (Pennsylvania)

She continued: It's really weird, because I'm not the first woman to wear a dress, but for some reason this dress seemed really interesting to me.

Rani pointed out the negative reactions she received on social media and asked if there was something about an Asian woman doing this that blew people's minds slightly? before concluding: I don’t know.

I wonder if people really saw me, she said. It's not that people notice me, it's just that they're seeing me for the first time. I think: is this due to the fact that it is My body in this dress? That it was an Indian woman who did something totally unexpected?

Rani has hosted Womans Hour since 2021 alongside her role on Countryfile

Rani has hosted Womans Hour since 2021 alongside her role on Countryfile (Getty Images)

Her comments come just weeks after the presenter opened up about her experience of divorce in her mid-40s, saying she felt like she could breathe for the first time and finally do what she really wants to do.

Write in Sunday timeEarlier this month, Rani said becoming single in her mid-40s made her realize she didn't have to answer to anyone.

Becoming single in my mid-40s made me re-evaluate everything. It made me realize how much I have been conditioned to be a dutiful woman rather than a free woman. Until now, she said.

Now I feel like I'm starting to breathe for the first time, to do what I really want. And now reaching middle age has given me a sense of urgency.




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