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Hermès Spring 2025 Fashion Show For Men

Hermès Spring 2025 Fashion Show For Men


Exclusively experience the innovative Herms Spring 2025 men's fashion show from the runways of Paris Men's Fashion Week, held in June 2024.

Vronique Nichanian captures Mediterranean shores in latest Herms collection

Vronique Nichanian revealed a selection of bathing beauties for this sweet seaside-inspired collection. Her men were ready to stroll along the boardwalk or ride horses on the beach and were dressed in soft pastels, breezy silhouettes and strappy sandals.

The designer was in a dreamy mood, using words like soft, gentle and poetic to describe this collection, which featured colors taken directly from the shores and landscapes of many Mediterranean resorts.

She used powdery lilac for a loose jacket, sand for a cropped trench style and baby pink for cotton shirts with small ties tied at the neck.

Like the horizon on a summer day, these colors have changed and evolved. The designer worked navy, gray, camel and chocolate into ribbed knits, some with abstract swirls, or into more fitted pieces such as jackets with patch pockets and lightweight, almost sheer blazers with sporty button tabs at the neck.

The rainbow of pastels and earth tones was only part of the spring story. Prints and embroidery also take inspiration from the natural world, with a tangle of white wildflowers stitched onto a gray jacket or powder blue shirt; buckles and equestrian belts swirled over silky tops and spilled over the arms and legs of models sporting temporary tattoos.

A pencil sketch of moseyed horses on T-shirts and a lightweight lambskin sweatshirt.

The accessories added a pop of color and shine to the rooms. Logo-less D-ring belts were braided, striped and colored like retro beach tents, while navy docker caps gave the look a laid-back, casual air.

Stacked silver bracelets sparkled, as did an array of foil-covered jackets and coats, which arrived like lightning against a blue sky, adding a sharp, arty touch to all the beachy sweetness.




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