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Passenger claims Air Canada lost wedding dress on flight


Choosing to check one or two bags on a plane can often be risky for travelers who depend on the contents of their bag arriving with them.

Even the Transportation Safety Administration recommends that passengers who have items such as medications that they may need immediately during their trip keep them in their carry-on bags to avoid ending up with those items lost at another airport or unavailable in a checked bag.

However, with limits on baggage size from various airlinessome passengers have little choice in how they should transport larger and more important items.

A disappointed passenger

An Air Canada passenger claims part of her wedding outfit was left at the airport by the airline, even on a very short direct flight. In two videos documenting the situation, content creator Kelly Klaing (@kellyklaing on TikTok) says she thought checking her bags for this flight would be less risky because her itinerary had no layovers and was fairly short.

However, only three of his four checked bags reached their destination. The bag containing her wedding veil, shoes, train and styling products that she had planned to use for her wedding did not.

Luckily, her dress itself was in her carry-on, so all was not lost.

“The plane wasn’t full,” she says in the video. “It was actually the biggest plane I've taken from St. John to Toronto in the last eight months, and there was more than enough room for luggage.”

@kellyklaing Air Canada, you legitimately have one job. How did three of my four bags make it onto the plane, but not the most important bag? #AirCanada #torontopearsonairport #weddingweightloss #weddingtiktok #weddingtok #weddingweightlossgoals #bridetok #soon-to-be bride #2024bride #2025bride #weddingfitness #weddingweek #soon-to-be bride #pageforyou #for you #fyp #torontobride #fyp #75challenging #75hardprogress #bodytransformation #greenscreenvideo original sound – KELLY DE TIKTOK

All hope is not lost

In a follow-up video to the first in which she explains how her bag disappeared, she says she actually ended up using an AirTag she had packed in the bag to track it from airport to airport . Even though her initial flight had no stopovers, her bag spent the night in Montreal before flying to join her at the Toronto baggage carousel.

“I followed the flight and I could see my little AirTag moving,” she says in the video. “I drove to Pearson Airport and parked. The second the plane landed I got out of my car, walked through the tunnel to Pearson, walked straight into the baggage area and was stopped, so I don't know if that's one thing, I saw that my AirTag landed and at Pearson, I waited for my bag to leave on the small roundabout, I collected my bag and left the airport.

@kellyklaing In response to @Thwink Air Canada, I lost my wedding dress UPDATE Air Canada, you legitimately have a job. How did three of my four bags make it onto the plane, but not the most important bag? #AirCanada #torontopearsonairport #weddingweightloss #weddingtok #Wedding day #weddingseasons #bridetok #soon-to-be bride #2024bride #2025bride #weddingclothes #weddingweek #weddingweekend #fyp #fypage #fyp original sound – KELLY DE TIKTOK

The Daily Dot contacted Klaing via comments on the video and email, as well as Air Canada via email regarding the video.

By Air Canada Baggage Policy, missing or delayed baggage can be arranged for pickup or shipped to the traveler via FedEx or similar ground carrier in the area. Klaing said she went so far as to collect the bag herself because she didn't know how much she trusted the airline to successfully deliver her bag in good condition.

Some viewers commented on Klaing's video, agreeing with her that losing a checked bag on a direct flight was very unusual, and sharing that they and their loved ones had experienced the same thing.

“Losing checked baggage on a DIRECT flight is crazy!” wrote one commenter. “How did they manage to do that?!”

“My sister flew direct from Halifax to Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador with a broken foot a few years ago,” said another. “Air Canada “lost” its wheelchair. Sending you ALL the good thoughts to get it ASAP!

“I had a 2 hour direct flight with West Jet and they just didn't put half the plane's luggage on the plane,” one said. “The next flight they would bring the luggage to was 5 days later.”

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Brooke Sjöberg

Brooke Sjoberg is a freelance writer for the Daily Dot. She received her bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020.

Brooke Sjöberg




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