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Highlights from Paris Fashion Week | National

Highlights from Paris Fashion Week |  National


Here are some highlights:

– A$AP style –

A$AP Rocky, rapper and partner of Rihanna, launched a surprise on Friday with his very first clothing collection.

The gangster atmosphere was strong, with models in balaclavas, sugar cakes like lines of cocaine and luxury cars parked in the courtyard of a private hotel.

The rap elite were present, including Colombian icon Maluma, while Rihanna emerged in an evening dress and leather coat.

The clothing itself combined loose-fitting and XXL streetwear covered in American Sabotage AWGE branding.

This line could help him pay his legal fees: He's currently facing charges for allegedly shooting his former friend Terell Ephron.

-Rick Owens' blockbuster –

Rick Owens, the master showman of avant-garde artistic fashion, outdid himself with his latest show, a tribute to Hollywood's historical epics of the Golden Age at the Palais de Tokyo.

Instead of standing in single file, models emerged in massive rows, looking like a cross between fascist platoons, ancient Roman processions, and otherworldly “Dune”-style monks in their white robes and hoods or their pharaonic headdresses.

“It was a display of Rick’s incredible talent and showmanship, creating a fashion moment that won’t soon be forgotten,” said Harrods buyer Simon Longland.

– Beirenbonkers –

Even by his own wacky standards, Walter Van Beirendonck pushed the boundaries of taste, with outfits that looked like evil, pom-pom-laden clowns.

Idol of a generation of the LGBT “bear” scene, the Belgian veteran created oversized neon costumes, with smileys on the hats and buttocks, little cardboard birthday hats and twisted Joker-style smiles.

Not safe for work.

– Friot's noisy love –

A new name that is creating a buzz in France is the young designer Jeanne Friot.

In a collection sponsored by Tinder, she stripped down gender codes with risky fishnet dresses and fun innovations like a dress made entirely of belts or another of tiny love strands.

A model walked out with the words “Love Louder” painted on her bare chest.

Backstage, the politically engaged designer herself wore a T-shirt on which was written: “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic when you can keep silent?”





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