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Austin fashion designer determined to keep Congressional South local


Meghan Herman created her lifestyle and clothing brand with the slogan “locally designed, ethically made” and her new pop-up store is sticking around for a little while longer.

AUSTIN, Texas This week, a new pop-up boutique with a local Austin designer opened on South Congress Avenue, a street that seems to be constantly evolving.

My hope for the street is that, you know, we can continue to hold on to some of these local independent stores and artists, you know, said Meghan Herman, founder and designer of HarperSage.

Herman created his lifestyle and clothing brand called HarperSage in 2019. The brand's slogan is “locally designed, ethically manufactured”.

I only use natural fibers and fabrics, and I would say 98% is all dead fabric, so when traveling to India I will personally source by hand, Herman said.

Deadstock fabric is essentially fabric that other big fashion brands will throw away, even if it's in mint condition. Herman takes this fabric, then adds his own prints and embroidery.

Herman also works in a women-owned factory in India, which she personally visits two to three times a year to meet the women who run it. The factory is also THREE certified, meaning every worker benefits from ethical working conditions and wages.

Equally important to Herman is incorporating local artists and creators into his showcase. Throughout the store, you'll find pieces from many of her favorites, like Emilie Eisenhartwho painted the fresco on the door, Hello ceramics And dumpster firefighter itemswho makes all the crochet pieces.

Keeping local artists and designers in South Congress is something Herman is passionate about.

“I don't want to pick on the big national brands,” Herman said. “It's nice to have like Birkenstock and others, but people want to come support and get that flavor, so if it all has to go, so I'm thinking like Austin is going to lose its flavor.

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HarperSage opened a smaller pop-up across the street a few months ago before opening this new, longer pop-up in the 1700 block of South Congress Ave., which Herman said is entirely family-friendly and packed other small businesses.

Austin's community of small businesses and artists is so good, Herman said. We all kind of help each other out.

Visitors like Charlotte Stilwell, who is visiting Austin for the weekend from Greenville, South Carolina, says it's extremely important to keep local businesses close.

If you go to local shops, you'll really discover what makes each town special, Stilwell said.

Stilwell says it's also an opportunity to get to know local artists and makers.

I mean, you walk into a store and really, it's a story, Stilwell said. You learn a little more about who they are and the designer behind the brand, and you can walk away with something truly special.

The name HarperSage, according to Herman, comes from two “alter egos” she has. She grew up as the youngest of five children and was always nicknamed the tomboy. After studying textile design at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she moved to New York and began designing for high-end brands like Carolina Herrera.

But some of his designs were deemed too masculine, which gave Herman pause.

I never understood, you know, why as women we have to be put in one box, Herman said.

So, the first part: Harper, talks to him about more romantic, flowing dresses and floral embroidery styles, and the second: Sage, talks to him about a more sporty and dressy style.

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In recent months, after hosting her first pop-up on South Congress, Herman says she found a home with other supportive small businesses.

“I haven't felt anything like this in other cities, which is real support from the small business community and the creative community,” Herman said. Like it's really genuine, people really want to help. They present themselves. It's not like we're talking about it like they're there at 4 a.m. helping build things.

Herman's new pop-up on 1714 South Congress will run through December 31st. It will be open Mondays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Mélia Masumoto on social networks: Facebook | X | Instagram

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