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Preppy, military and East-meets-West styles invade Paris Fashion Week shows

Preppy, military and East-meets-West styles invade Paris Fashion Week shows


PARIS — Cultural fusions mixing Eastern and Western outfits, as well as preppy and military styles, marked the men's fashion shows at Paris Fashion Weeks on their final day.

Here are some highlights of the spring 2025 collections on Sunday:

Under the high ceiling of the recently renovated historic Haussmannian post office of La Poste du Louvre, the most emblematic in Paris, the Japanese brand Sacai presented its latest collection. Designer Chitose Abe, known for her approach to hybridization, continued to fuse disparate elements into singular, eye-catching pieces, making them look like one thing from the front and another from the back.

The twists and turns were evident throughout the show. The pleats seen on white and red tuxedo shirts have been creatively reimagined in the form of white soft tube skirts and white bohemian rocker tops. In darker colors, these offbeat styles sported a preppy look, complemented by shiny leather loafers. Indeed, the preppy and military details of Abes signatures were on full display in the funky collection. White shirts, thick-rimmed glasses, and pinstripes checked the preppy box; while the big round shoulders and thick layers ticked off the military style.

The collection also showcased Abes' talent for blending the traditional and the modern. Denim, colorful patterns and cozy knits brought a welcome touch of softness to harder-lined silhouettes.

In an age dominated by email and increased environmental awareness, the fashion industry's antiquated invitation system remains largely intact.

Season after season, gas-guzzling couriers crisscross Paris, personally delivering elaborate, often handmade, show invitations. The biggest fashion houses compete for the most imaginative and eccentric ideas, often alluding to the theme of the runway collections.

Pharrell Williams' invitation to his UNESCO exhibition was an embossed Apple AirTag from Louis Vuitton, reminiscent of a royal mint souvenir. Loewes' invitation came in the form of a giant square pouch in colorful leather, too big for any conventional mailbox. Dior Mens opted for a leather case, topped with a sketch by the collection's referenced artist and ceramicist, Hylton Nel. In contrast, Vogue World has embraced eco-friendliness with a simple QR code sent via email.

Madam Woo by Wooyoungmi is renowned for its fusion of Parisian or European elegance and Korean cultural heritage. The creations of South Korean designers mix traditional elements of their country of origin with a contemporary and open vision of culture. On Sunday, his show was proof of that.

Leather derby shoes were effortlessly paired with Renaissance lace-up cropped pants adorned with traditional decorative beading at the neck.

Other looks masterfully combined the rugged look of the American Wild West with details like decorated belts and a long perforated coat, reminiscent of avant-garde leather.

Madame Woo often transforms utilitarian basics into luxurious, tactile masterpieces, as seen in previous collections featuring lush blue velvet work coats and fine brushed suede uniform jackets.

On Sunday, cropped black leather biker pants and a baseball top emblazoned with the Wooyoungmi logo ensured that, despite the rich cultural references, eclecticism was the name of the game this spring.




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