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In Paris, Jackson Wang launches his Metamorphosis auction for Joopiter with Pharrell Williams

In Paris, Jackson Wang launches his Metamorphosis auction for Joopiter with Pharrell Williams


On the Friday evening of Men's Fashion Week, Jackson Wang looked away from the runways for an intimate preview of his collection for Pharrell Williams Joopiter, an innovative, digitally-focused luxury auction house. It's no secret that the global superstar, athlete and fashion icon has many memorable looks and memories. Title Metamorphosis, the collection pays homage to Wang's multifaceted career and style by showcasing significant objects from each phase of his life.

As a Louis Vuitton brand ambassador, Wang has worked with Williams since his appointment at the French house. Going from collaborators to close friends, this dynamic duo makes a formidable team, making Wang's selection of a collection for Joopiter almost inevitable.

From the Allstar fencing helmet to the Team Wang diamond pendant, the pieces are exceptionally unique and reference a specific chapter in Wang's life. The auction items include pieces that are authentic and honest to me, Wang said. Vogue. These are the highlights of the most memorable chapter of my life, from professional athlete to artist to fashionista.

Other highlights include a microphone from Wangs magic man tour, Panthère De Cartier sunglasses, a fencing glove and, of course, a selection of personalized Louis Vuitton looks.

Jackson's journey is nothing short of inspiring, Williams noted in his foreword to the collection. Going from a promising sports career to becoming a famous recording artist. It embodies the spirit of innovation and reinvention defended by Joopiter. Like me, Jackson's interests span music, arts, and design, making him an ideal fit for our community.

At Shang Palace, which is Williams' favorite restaurant in Paris, Wang gathered a group of elite friends and fashion people for a decadent dinner. Glasses of champagne flowed throughout the cocktail party, where guests including Eric Nam, Pusha T, Rauw Alejandro, Big Matthew, Chitose Abe, Matias Solari and GQ Mobolaji Dawodu was able to view a selection of pieces from the collection before a feast of classic Chinese dishes. Placed on each table, the Lazy Susans proved to be the best centerpiece to ensure everyone enjoyed the countless dishes of ravioli, beef tenderloin, fried sea bass and chilled mango cream for dessert.

The evening was an opportunity to honor Wang's accomplishments while looking ahead to the future. Dressed in full Team Wang gear from his own brand, it's evident that Wang shows no signs of slowing down; in fact, he's only just started his next chapter.




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