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Princess Charlotte shines in floaty sequin dress and bohemian braids at Taylor Swift concert

Princess Charlotte shines in floaty sequin dress and bohemian braids at Taylor Swift concert


Princess Charlotte made every nine-year-old's dream come true on Saturday night when she attended Taylor Swift's Eras tour in London.

The daughter of the Prince and Princess of Wales looked golden and sparkly as she stepped out at Wembley with her father, Prince William, and older brother, Prince George.

The young royal joined thousands of 'Swifties' to dress up for the occasion, looking every bit like a princess. she wore a sparkling “Kids Sequin Party Dress” in rose gold consumer brand of John Lewis.

A photo of Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince William and Taylor Swift © The Prince and Princess of Wales
Princess Charlotte shone in a shimmering rose gold dress

Decked out in sequins with angelic flutter sleeves and a knee-length skirt, we couldn't help but compare Princess Charlotte's sparkling ensemble to her mother Kate's mesmerizing gold Jenny Packham dress worn at the No Time to Die premieres in 2021.

princess dress kate gold jenny packham james bond premiere 2021© Getty Images
Princess Kate made headlines in her gold Jenny Packham dress in 2021

The stylish young royal's honey blonde hair was worn in a chic half-up, half-down style, complemented by two bohemian braids. Meanwhile, Prince George was the image of his father, Prince William, as the royal duo wore jeans and a smart blue shirt.

As the Welsh family took to Instagram to thank Taylor Swift for her night out, royal fans rushed to comment on the rare selfie.

Taylor hilariously references William's birthday when she shares a photo with the young royals on social media ©Instagram
Princess beamed alongside Taylor as she met the icon backstage

“Prince William, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte are the Swifties we never knew we needed, and I'm here for it! Just look at their collective unbridled JOY!” » wrote one fan, while another wrote: “Aaaaaa! Who is happier, the Swifty or the royal family. Heaven for both, I bet!

“I love it! We forget that your kids are like everyone else and are Swifties!” read a third comment.

Princess Charlotte's twinning moments with the Princess of Wales

Princess Charlotte looks at mom Kate Middleton© Samir Hussein
The Princess of Wales and her daughter echoed their style and grace.

The Wales family's outing comes shortly after the Princess of Wales made a welcome return to the spotlight at Trooping the Color last weekend – her first public appearance in six months amid her ongoing treatment for cancer.

While Princess Kate looked divine in a recycled Jenny Packham dress adorned with a striped bow, her daughter Charlotte echoed her mother's beauty in a nautical-inspired outfit that took inspiration from Kate's look.

Kate attends Trooping the Color 2024 with Prince George and Princess Charlotte© Getty
Princess Charlotte was inspired by her mother's sailor dress outfit

Charlotte embodied royal style in a navy blue sailor dress. Adorned with pretty bows, white piping around the neckline and sleeves and a sleek low waist, the nine-year-old royal looked poised and elegant, just like her mother.

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