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Loewe men's fashion show spring 2025

Loewe men's fashion show spring 2025


Exclusively discover the innovative Loewes Spring 2025 men's fashion show on the catwalks of Paris Men's Fashion Week, held in June 2024.

Jonathan Andersons Loewe Spring Mens Show: a study in restraint

Jonathan Anderson's latest spring men's show for Loewe was a masterclass in restraint. When guests arrived at the spacious room, they were greeted by security guards surrounding miniature black metal sculptures of mice and copies of Susan Sontags Against Interpretation scattered across the wooden floor.

Set to William Basinski's haunting Disintegration Loops, the collection exuded a sense of restraint, emphasizing the appearance of the thin black suit and repeated silhouettes echoing Basinksi's emotive soundscapes.

The models, adorned with painted pheasant feathers and draped in baggy pants, captivated the audience. Plaid shorts and form-fitting polo shirts evoked nostalgic images, while biker jackets with cocktail dress necklines added a modern touch.

Anderson's inspiration came from a 1981 photo of a women's Peter Hujar pump, displayed on the runway. Describing his collection as very knife-cut, he highlighted intricate details like the spongy silk mohair cut and loose sleeves.

References to English schoolboys and military fatigues were visible in Oxford pants and khaki coats with folded lapels. Celebrities and fashion enthusiasts donned Loewe clothing before the show, adding a touch of glamor to the event.

Unlike Loewes' usual adrenaline-fueled presentations, this collection spoke softly, illustrated by a stunning brown leather coat fused with black ostrich skin. Anderson's show left a hypnotic impact, hinting at a new direction for the brand.




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