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Kylie Kelce arrived in Cannes wearing a shirt dress

Kylie Kelce arrived in Cannes wearing a shirt dress


Kylie Kelce is having a European summer and she has the outfit to prove it.

On June 20, the mother of three arrived in Cannes, France, to attend the Cannes Lions Festival alongside her husband and brother-in-law, Jason and Travis Kelce, while wearing the epitome of a breezy summer outfit. On the outing, she wore a sky blue striped shirt dress with a knee-length hem, short sleeves and a belted waist, which she paired with a beige crossbody bag slung over her shoulder.

Gigi Iorio/; Gwyneth Paltrow/Instagram

While Kelce may have been the last to opt for a breezy shirtdress this summer, she's certainly not the first. In fact, her appearance came just a week after Gwyneth Paltrow wore a nearly identical belted shirtdress while showing off the drink-making ceremony on her Instagram.

Whether you're vacationing in the south of France or venturing out to your favorite happy hour, shirt dresses are a sleek and stylish wardrobe staple to have on hand for summer. We've rounded up dresses inspired by Kelce's look from Amazon, Gap, Macys and more, and prices start at $28.

Kylie Kelce Inspired Shirt Dresses

Gap Organic Cotton Striped Short Shirt Dress


Copy Kelce's effortlessly chic style by shopping this similar style at Gap while it's 50% off. Although this poplin dress has long sleeves, you can easily roll them up to accommodate hot summer days. Plus, buyers note that its loose fit keeps them cool in hot weather. Its belted waist lets you tailor the fit to your body while defining your figure, and its lightweight material is perfect for spring and summer, according to reviewers.

Merokeety striped t-shirt dress


Looking for a more casual shirt dress to wear this season? Consider grabbing this popular T-shirt style with over 19,900 perfect ratings. The short-sleeve silhouette is ideal for days spent running errands or lounging in the sun, and one critic even said it's the most comfortable and flattering dress they own. Join 600 Amazon shoppers who added to their cart in the last month by purchasing this blue dress worn by Kelce, or choose from 23 additional colors and patterns.

Style & Co short-sleeved cotton gauze shirt dress


If midi dresses are more your style, this cool and casual option from Macys might be your new go-to. Its calf-length length means you can easily wear shorts underneath to accommodate long days of walking, and the short sleeves and neckline are so Kelces-like. Pair it with white sneakers for a day exploring a new city, or throw it on with strappy sandals for a dressier look that's ready in seconds.

Whether it's a day at the office or a day at the beach, shirt dresses are a stylish summer style to keep on hand this season. Keep scrolling to shop more Kylie Kelce-inspired dresses below.

Aoudery buttoned shirt dress


Chouyatou striped long dress


Banana Republic Factory long poplin shirt dress

Banana Republic Plant

Love buttoned denim dress Welove Fashion


Loft striped poplin shirt dress with pocket and belt





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