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Dries Van Noten presented furry sandals, flip-flops and other notable men's shoe styles at the final show in Paris

Dries Van Noten presented furry sandals, flip-flops and other notable men's shoe styles at the final show in Paris


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Dries Van Noten bowed out on Saturday in Paris as the Belgian designer presented his latest collection after announcing his retirement earlier this year.

In true Dries Van Noten fashion, the clothes and shoes did not disappoint. For spring/summer 2025, the designer has highlighted several shoe styles.

This season's footwear highlights included a glove boot presented in a soft lambskin or denim construction. Other silhouettes he is known for like mules, moccasins and sandals with crossed straps were also presented in different colors during the show. Flip-flops enhanced with shearling and velvet also made their appearance this season.

This is my 129th show; like the previous ones, it looks towards the future, writes Van Noten in his final show notes. Tonight there's a lot going on, but it's not a grand finale. I think of how Marcelo Mastroianni once spoke of a paradoxical nostalgia for the future, beyond the lost paradises imagined by Proust, and of how we continue to pursue our dreams knowing that at some point we can look at them with love. I love my job, I love doing fashion shows and sharing fashion with people. To create is to leave something that lasts. My feeling about this moment is that it is not only mine, but ours, always.

Van Noten said in his notes that he was inspired by contemporary Belgian artist Edith Dekyndt this season and the way she considers time and the transformation of materials in her work. Following the manipulation of everyday objects and mixed media, she creates compositions in transparent display cases that display the effect of time, the designer said.

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final showDries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

As for the rest of the collection, the use of Suminagashi, a traditional Japanese marbling technique dating back 1,000 years, which involves applying ink to water, which is transferred and absorbed by the fabric. In Japanese, a word meaning fireworks, hanabi combines flower and fire. Suminagashi throughout the collection features large, graphic leaves and flowers, like fireworks blooming in the night sky. Front side with natural imperfections, each piece is unique.

Known for its embroidery, this collection features gold bars embossed on precious stones. The embellishments are grouped and structured in various forms like fragments of memory. Couching, a stitch technique, creates a gradient of fine gold and silver threads.

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final showDries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final showDries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

Dries Van Noten, men, shoes, men's shoes, Paris Fashion Week, spring 2025, June 2024, final show

Launch gallery: Dries Van Noten Men's Spring Summer 2025 Collection and Shoes, Photos

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