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Katie Holmes dazzles in an elegant maxi dress as she attends a photocall for the Filming Italy festival after watching her daughter Suri Cruise graduate

Katie Holmes dazzles in an elegant maxi dress as she attends a photocall for the Filming Italy festival after watching her daughter Suri Cruise graduate


Katie Holmes looked elegant in a cream ruffled maxi dress as she attended the Filming Italy Festival 2024 photocall on Sunday.

The 45-year-old actress turned heads in this chic long-sleeved dress which she cinched at the waist with a matching belt.

She added inches to her figure with a pair of snake print heels as she posed at the festival held in Sardinia.

Leaving her long brunette tresses in loose waves, Katie wore a glamorous makeup palette with smoky eyeshadow and pink lipstick.

The Dawson's Creek star accessorized her outfit with a gold chain necklace and wore a matching nose ring.

Katie Holmes looked elegant in a cream ruffled maxi dress as she attended the Filming Italy Festival 2024 photocall on Sunday.

Katie Holmes looked elegant in a cream ruffled maxi dress as she attended the Filming Italy Festival 2024 photocall on Sunday.

The 45-year-old actress turned heads in this chic long-sleeved dress which she cinched at the waist with a matching belt.

The 45-year-old actress turned heads in this chic long-sleeved dress which she cinched at the waist with a matching belt.

The Filming Italy festival will see more than 70 international and Italian films, TV series, documentaries and short films presented.

The festival will also host local premieres of The Imaginary, Cult Killer, Immaculate, Wanted Man and Rare Objects.

This comes after Katie's daughter Suri Cruise looked elated after receiving her diploma from LaGuardia High School on Friday.

While attending her high school graduation, the 18-year-old daughter of Katie and Tom Cruise, who is set to attend Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh this fall, looked absolutely stunning as she celebrated her latest milestone, without the presence of his father.

For the ceremony, which took place at the United Palace Theater in Washington Heights, the teen wore a white dress under a bright red graduation gown, open heels and her long hair down.

For the special occasion, Katie chose to wear a yellow long-sleeved shirt and matching pleated pants.

Suri's graduation booklet displays her name as Suri Noelle.

This serves as another example of Suri choosing to use her mother's middle name in place of her father's last name, Cruise.

She added inches to her figure with a pair of snake print heels as she posed at the festival held in Sardinia.

She added inches to her figure with a pair of snake print heels as she posed at the festival held in Sardinia.

Leaving her long brunette tresses in loose waves, Katie wore a glamorous makeup palette with smoky eyeshadow and pink lipstick.

Leaving her long brunette tresses in loose waves, Katie wore a glamorous makeup palette with smoky eyeshadow and pink lipstick.

The Dawson's Creek star accessorized her outfit with a gold chain necklace and wore a matching nose ring

The Dawson's Creek star accessorized her outfit with a gold chain necklace and wore a matching nose ring

On Saturday, Cruise was spotted attending Taylor Swift's Eras tour, according to AND.

Despite her father's absence, Suri was surrounded by her relatives and classmates, with whom she could be seen exchanging friendly hugs after the ceremony.

Suri's high school is LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, often referred to simply as LaGuardia, which is a public high school specializing in visual and performing arts education.

Suri, whose famous father played no role in her upbringing, has always been determined to forge her own path.

She applied to numerous universities, with the artistic teenager “inclined to” study fashion.

Carnegie Mellon's School of Design is one of the oldest and highest-ranked programs in the country.

Now, with acceptance into her hallowed halls, a particularly posh mother, and a wardrobe worth $5 million, Suri is off to the best possible start if this is the path she has chosen.

An insider told “She's a smart girl and she's becoming a very smart, mature young woman. She has a very close and loyal group of friends and she knows exactly where she comes from.

This comes after Katie's daughter Suri Cruise looked elated after receiving her diploma from LaGuardia High School on Friday.

This comes after Katie's daughter Suri Cruise looked elated after receiving her diploma from LaGuardia High School on Friday.




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