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Dries Van Noten Men's Clothing Collection Spring 2025

Dries Van Noten Men's Clothing Collection Spring 2025


Dries Van Noten held his very first fashion show in Paris in 1991. Tonight he presented his last. Although he will continue to advise design teams remotely, Van Noten, 66, is leaving the day-to-day creative direction of his eponymous brand to enjoy a new phase of life.

As we prepared to cover tonight's highly anticipated Vogue Runway show, we compared notes and shared memories about Van Noten's past experiences. We concluded that following his collections was like enjoying a long, brilliant conversation with a fascinating friend. This friend's essential personality has remained consistent and true, but he always strives to inject something new and unexpected into the dialogue.

Indeed, although he has always been known for the wearability of his clothes, Dries has nevertheless been one of the most designers when it comes to runway shows. That's why we decided, for this final review of Vogue Runway Dries Van Noten, to conduct our own experiment, a review through conversation.

Nicole Phelps: I don't remember a situation comparable to this. Many designers were forced to leave their jobs. Others left in their prime, think of Helmut Lang and Martin Margiela. But for a founding designer, choosing to step away and share the news before a show rather than after his special. One last goodbye.

Luc Leitch: He designed his own departure: how elegant is that?

NP: Very. I guess it comes down to having worked as an independent designer as long as he did, for 30 years, before selling a majority stake to Puig. Do things when you want to do them, how you want to do them. I'm happy for Dries and his garden, but it's definitely a loss for fashion. We need more designers thinking and working on a human scale, as he always has, not more brands selling logo T-shirts.

LL: There was a lot of solidarity from the design community. Lots of people came this evening. In no particular order, I saw Thom Browne, Pierpaolo Piccioli, Diane von Furstenberg, Glenn Martens, Walter Van Beirendonck, Véronique Nichanian, Neil Barrett, Alexandre Mattiussi, Harris Reed, Filip Arickx Maria Cornejo, Haider Ackermann.

NP: Don't forget Ann Demeulemeester!




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