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The Best Designers of Non-Traditional and Unique Wedding Dresses

The Best Designers of Non-Traditional and Unique Wedding Dresses


More and more, we're seeing modern brides ditch traditional wedding attire in favor of something a little more their own. Your wedding day is important, so why wouldn't you want to feel fully and uniquely yourself. For non-traditionalists, this might mean opting for a pantsuit or an edgy silhouette, it might mean experimenting with your color palette or hemlines, perhaps also looking for something unique or vintage.

But finding alternative bridal wear can be difficult if you don't know the landscape, and even harder if you're not yet sure what you're looking for (you just know what you're looking for).notI'm looking, you know?). With so many brands now offering a bridal arm of their ready-to-wear, as well as bridal studios around the world offering more bespoke wedding dresses and suits, there's plenty to browse.

Whether you're looking for something non-traditional or unique, here's our designer pick of unconventional wedding dresses for the alternative bride.

1. Palace of Mirrors

Or buy: HAS Desordre stores in Australiaor online via Mirror Palace website and their range of online retailers.

Price level: About $1,000 $3,000

Fashion-forward New Yorkers will tell you that Mirorr Palais is one of the city's hottest wedding offerings, with plenty of youthful alternatives to the traditional white dress brides wear on their big day. Founded by designer Marcelo Gaia, the brand is renowned for its unique blend of vintage-inspired elegance and modern sensibilities, making each bridal piece a true statement of individuality. The brand's attention to detail and use of luxurious fabrics create dresses that exude both romantic nostalgia and contemporary sophistication. With its distinct aesthetic and dedication to craftsmanship, Mirror Palais has carved a niche for itself in the world of bridal fashion, offering brides the chance to embrace their unique style on their special day.

2. Reformation

Or buy: In store and online at The Reformation website, and through their range of online retailers. (Unfortunately, David Jones does not offer bridal wear, but this is a great opportunity for you to try dress styles similar in size.)

Price level: About $600 $1,600

Reformation stands out in the bridal wear industry for its commitment to sustainability and its effortlessly chic designs, offering brides eco-friendly options without sacrificing style. The brand's use of recycled materials and ethical production practices ensures that each dress is not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. With its modern silhouettes and fashion-forward details, Reformation offers brides contemporary, elegant choices that reflect both their personal style and their commitment to sustainability. .


Or buy: In store and online on the RIXO website, or via their online resellers. (Unfortunately, David Jones does not offer bridal wear, but this is a great opportunity for you to try dress styles similar in size.)

Price level: About $750 $1,600

RIXO's vintage-inspired designs bring a fresh and distinctive approach to bridal wear, blending bohemian charm and timeless elegance. Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, featuring hand-painted designs and luxurious fabrics that create a unique, personalized touch for brides. Designed in sizes UK 6-26, British brides-to-be can visit their bridal suites in person at Kings Road, Carnaby Street, Marylebone High Street and Selfridges.

4. Sandy Liang

Or buy: Online via Sandy Liang's websiteand at certain resellers.

Price level: About $100 $1,000

Sandy Liang redefines bridal wear with her playful, unconventional designs, infusing traditional elements with the preppy, flirtatious touches she has become synonymous with. Known for her innovative use of textures and quirky details, each bridal piece stands out as a statement of individuality and modernity and she does so much more than just dresses, she also offers a range of beaded accessories and silky white shoes to boot.

5. Chopova Lowena

Or buy: Online exclusive via SSENSE.

Price level: About $350 $3,400

In the brand's exclusive bridal capsule collection for SSENSE, Chopova Lowena revolutionizes bridal wear with her eclectic fusion of traditional Bulgarian craftsmanship and punk-inspired aesthetics, creating truly unique wedding pieces. Each piece features vibrant hand-woven textiles and bold, unconventional designs, making a striking statement for brides who dare to be different.

6. Staud

Or buy: Online via Staud website (you can ship directly to Australia).

Price level: About $330 $2,250

Their cute little beaded bags may have gone viral, but that's not all Staud does well and their new Staud Bride branch is a testament to their timeless versatility. The brand's attention to clean lines, innovative silhouettes and subtle, chic details creates effortlessly elegant dresses that stand out for their understated elegance. You can even order a custom embroidered veil with your initials for a truly unique accent.

7. Cécile Bahnsen

Or buy: Online via Cécile Bahnsen’s website. (You can also choose to make a private appointment virtually or visit their showroom in Copenhagen.)

Price level: About $1,200 $6,300

Scandinavian girls can rejoice knowing that they have their bridal outfit sorted since earlier this year, when Copenhagen-based Cecile Bahnsen released her first bridal edition. Known for their sheer, voluminous gowns with all the Scandinavian hallmarks (pockets, ruffles and bouffant bows of course), they are the perfect dress for a simple, effortless bride who wants to spend her special day with ease.

8. Molly Goddard

Or buy: Online via Molly Goddard's website.

Price level: Approximately $2,750 $7,800

Molly Goddard Bridal captivates with its distinctive approach, blending whimsical volumes and playful textures to create dresses that are both daring and enchanting. Known for its iconic tulle and ruffled designs, each piece embodies a sense of drama and whimsy, perfect for brides looking to make a memorable statement. With a focus on craftsmanship and imaginative details, Molly Goddard offers a unique bridal wear experience that transforms traditional bridal fashion into artful and exuberant creations.

9. Studio SEA

Or buy: Online via WED Studio website.

Price level: About $4,500 $12,000

Paris-based WED Studio stands out in the bridal wear landscape with its blend of contemporary elegance and artisanal craftsmanship, offering bespoke gowns tailored to each bride's unique vision. The brand's commitment to luxurious fabrics, intricate details and personalized design ensures that each dress is a true reflection of individual style and sophistication.

ten. Silk laundry

Or buy: Online via WED Studio website.

Price level: Purchase price.

For the minimalist brides among us who can't get past a simple, elegant '90s dress moment, we suggest making an appointment with Silk Laundry. Not only is the brand very accessible with stores in most major Australian cities, but each piece in its made-to-order bridal collection is created with 100% 40 momme silk. And if dresses aren't your thing, they also have silk suits to slip into.

Stay inspired, follow us.

Present images via SSENSE And Sandy Liang.




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