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Lady Gaga wears a dress by Malaysian designer Rizman Ruzaini during her residency in Las Vegas (VIDEO)

Lady Gaga wears a dress by Malaysian designer Rizman Ruzaini during her residency in Las Vegas (VIDEO)


KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — Local fashion brand Rizman Ruzaini has caught the attention of popular singer and actress Lady Gaga.

During her recent performance at MGM Park in Las Vegas, the 38-year-old wore a floor-length red dress designed by Rizman Ruzaini studded with hundreds of Swarovski gemstones.


Renowned for his intricate craftsmanship, attention to detail and revered in Malaysia as a couture and bridal designer, Rizman Ruzaini is comprised of the dynamic duo Rizman Nordin and Ruzaini Jamil.

Talk to slam, Rizman said the collaboration with the Bad Romance The singer started after a dress worn by British model Naomi Campbell during her fashion show in Dubai last year.


Modeling our design during the event added weight to the designer, he said.

He said that two days after Campbell modeled their design, they received calls from Hollywood agencies.

Among them was a stylist who works with popular singers such as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

After receiving the call from the stylist, Rizman began designing the dress with the measurements provided by the agency.

He said normally foreign celebrities would wear dresses designed by emerging designers for small events such as dinner shows.

We sent the dress to the agency in charge of Lady Gagas' dresses at the beginning of the year. The original plan was for the dress to only be worn at dinner shows.

But when it got there, Lady Gaga wanted to keep it and wear it for a bigger event. She said the design was too big for dinner shows, he said.

Rizman also said the company failed to pay the A star is born actress to wear their creation.

Last week, the brand made history as the first Malaysian designer to have their creation exhibited at the prestigious Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London.

One of their creations is now part of an exhibition celebrating Campbell.

The dress was worn by Campbell for Rizman Ruzaini's spring/summer showcase during Dubai Fashion Week in October last year.

In December, Campbell also wore his creation on the red carpet at the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah.




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