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Doublet spring/summer 2025 at Paris Fashion Week


Masayuki Ino's Doublet is simply fascinating. The Japanese imprint relies on playful design, never taking itself too seriously while projecting a cheerful attitude. For Spring/Summer 2025, Doublet closed out the final day of Paris Fashion Week with a fun-filled, anime-inspired fashion festival.

Traditional seating has been entirely removed from Doublet's SS25 parade, welcoming guests to the academic grounds of Turgot Comprehensive High School. The school background was cleaned and replaced with rolled up banners depicting the concealed track. Like last season, the Japanese brand continued to promote its local cuisine and offered a hot, ready-made takoyaki stand for hungry attendees to feast on.

Dozens of young students were led onto the track in matching 2024 uniforms, crouching behind perimeters to deploy the makeshift track. From Japanese characters to heart-shaped animations, the printed banners featured vibrant illustrations, including “KIDS LOVE GAITE” lettering, hinting at a vibrant partnership with the Tokyo-based footwear brand. Booming beats exploded under the Parisian sun, illuminating the 39-look mixed collection featuring Doublet's ironic signatures.

The first looks were filled with mystery, seeing Ino delivering militaristic wool coats accessorized with metallic pom-poms. Embroidered cheerleaders danced on V-neck sweaters paired with leather-soaked jeans sporting a tonal distressed effect. The football jerseys featured Spiber Inc.'s experimentation on the central logos, while Doublet played with Levi's iconic red insignia with its own enlarged variations. Brand labels popped out of shredded cardigans with spiders crawling underneath, followed by varsity varsity jackets with floral hoods. Viewers were allowed to show their love with tailor-made judgment paddles, bringing out their inner critics with a free-spirited mentality.

Elsewhere, Canadian tuxedos were protected by utility vests with triple clasp closures and heroic capes. SS25 saw Ino enter the dark side while remaining true to her playful authenticity. Here, essential motorcycle jackets prepared for a tough journey with layered cycling uniforms, while Doublet's branded towels have been transformed into a wearable look for everyday life. Ino's “I Heart NY” tees have been re-analyzed with fiber in mind, making us smile with the “I Heart Protein” versions complete with adorable raw beef.

Take a closer look at Doublet's SS25 collection in the gallery above and stay tuned for more Paris Fashion Week content on Hypebeast.




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