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The craziest men's shoes from Paris Fashion Week for spring 2025 – Footwear News

The craziest men's shoes from Paris Fashion Week for spring 2025 – Footwear News


There's a lot to digest from this month's spring/summer 2025 menswear shows in Paris.

From Rick Owens' persistent push to push the boundaries of shoe design to Comme des Garçons' interesting use of proportion and detail, there were plenty of eye-catching shoes and accessories in Paris.

Some eye-catching styles came in the form of an otherworldly molded shell, while others played with unexpected elements and accents. Here, a look at the craziest (in a good way) and most talked about men's shoes from the Spring 25 collections in Paris this month.

Like boys

Comme des Garçons Homme, Kids Love Gaite, shoe, collaboration, spring 2025, Paris fashion week, Paris
Comme des Garçons Homme x Kids Love Gaite spring 2025.

Comme des Garçons Homme has built on its collaboration with Kids Love Gaite from the previous two seasons to create a new style for Spring 2025. This season's tie-in echoes the clothing collection's use of ruffles – with a derby style shoe with leather ruffles on the upper. The shoe – presented in pink, black and white – is a little less adventurous than previous seasons. Looking ahead to spring 2024, the two teamed up on a dress derby shoe with two toe caps. The fascination with two-shoes continued through fall 2024, with a capsule of shoes with two soles, one further away from the other. Either way, the two collaborators continue to create a shoe that attracts attention.

Feng Chen Wang

Feng Chen Wang, Ugg, Tasman, collab, shoes, Paris fashion week, spring 2025
Feng Chen Wang's new shoes with Ugg.

Inspired by her love of antique objects for her latest partnership with Ugg, designer Feng Chen Wang cleverly incorporated the crackle glaze elements of porcelain as well as the unique abstract outline of clay on the upper portion of the Tasman. The style was available in four colorways: white, black, light mint green, light brown, and ash gray. But what caught everyone's attention was Wang's new removable molded insole that can be added to the next Ugg style. The sole, dubbed “The Feng Sole Series 1,” is an otherworldly concept that takes the form of an alien platform sandal. When paired with the Tasman, the integrated shoe becomes a major footwear moment. It was presented on the catwalk in white, black and brown colors.

Rick Owens

Rick Owens, shoes, boots, spring 2025, Paris fashion week, Paris
Rick Owens' latest remarkable boot.

Never one to shy away from a major shoe moment, Rick Owens has continued his collaboration with London designer Straytukay. But, for this season, the designer ditched the puffy style the duo showcased during their fall 2024 shows and presented a sleeker silhouette. While it may seem more approachable, the result is still a major statement with an over-the-knee slip-on boot with Owens' signature crystal Kiss heel. Rock On.

Walter Van Beirendonck

Walter Van Beirendonck, shoes, sneakers, spring 2025, Paris fashion week, Paris
The latest whimsical sneaker from Walter Van Beirendonck.

Color, patterns and fantasy are the hallmarks of a Walter Van Beirendonck collection – and these elements were not missing in his Spring 2025 line. For this season's shoes, the Belgian designer transposed the use of polka dots oversized shoes present in his ready-to-wear on a pair of colorful sneakers. Only this time, the dots are 3D and extend from the top for a spike-like effect. But don't worry, they are harmless.




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