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Athletic shoe brands showcase their latest styles at Paris Fashion Week – Footwear News

Athletic shoe brands showcase their latest styles at Paris Fashion Week – Footwear News


With the Summer Olympics fast approaching, it's no surprise to see a slew of sports brands buzzing around Paris Men's Fashion Week this month.

For several seasons, Asics, Saucony and Salomon have hosted large ephemeral showrooms – often in the Marais district – for individual buyers and the press. More sports brands joined the conversation this season, and big names like Nike, Adidas and New Balance continued to make a splash on the runways.

Here we present the main new releases from the biggest names in sports footwear during Paris Men's Fashion Week.


Adidas, Y3, Yohji Yamamoto, spring 2025, Paris Fashion Week, adidas shoes, adidas sneakers, men's shoes, men, Y-3
The latest range of Adidas Y-3 sneakers for spring 2025.

Adidas has revealed new styles from its highly sought-after partnership with Wales Bonner as well as its Spring/Summer 2025 sneaker collection for Y-3.

At Wales Bonner, the duo introduced a new shoe silhouette for their collaboration, the Country Low, offered in khaki suede or black and white leather with a perforated three-stripe pattern. Another highlight is a deconstructed version of the Superstar Hi-top sneaker in lush suede.

On Friday at the Y-3 show, Adidas presented its latest Regu sneaker, a reinterpreted version of a low-key shoe from the first collaboration between Adidas and Yohji Yamamoto. Additionally, the new Y-3 Zodai marks a step into the future as the iconic Adidas Superstar is subverted in three iterations with exaggerated yet ultra-light constructions. Elsewhere in the collection, canvas overflows from the Nizza boot and the Stan Smith is made adaptable thanks to velcro straps.


Asics, pop-up store, Paris fashion week, sneakers, Paris, Kith
The Ronnie Fieg for Asics Gel-Kayano 12.1 and the Field Trip Recordings x Asics Gel-Kayano 14 by Zack Bia.

Asics has made its presence known, with a pop-up store showcasing some of its latest collaborations and Sportstyle models online, as well as a series of special events. The three-day pop-up, which marked the third time the sports brand hosted the event during Paris Fashion Week, saw collections from four collaborators – including Cecilie Bahnsen, Kengo Kuma & Associates, Doublet and Up There – launched every day.

Additionally, Asics also hosted a private dinner at Kith's flagship store in Paris to toast founder Ronnie Fieg's new Asics Gel-Kayano 12.1 sneakers, which officially launched on Monday. Additionally, the Japanese shoe brand hosted a separate Paris pop-up for its latest sneaker with DJ and producer Zack Bia to celebrate its upcoming sneaker collaboration with his label Field Trip Recordings. Finally, the music platform NTS Radio teamed up with Asics on Friday for the Fête de la Musique for a free evening at the Ecole Duperré Paris.


Nike previewed more than 30 upcoming shoe and apparel styles.

Nike prepared for its big Olympic moment last week with two activations around Paris. The brand hosted a live stream on the Nike SNKRS app at the Center Pompidou – which will serve as the centerpiece of the Summer Games – where the sports brand showcased more than 30 upcoming shoe and apparel styles.

The brand previewed the women's Air Max SNDR Gore-Tex and a lifestyle adaptation of the Total 90 III SP football boot, as well as new versions of the Air Zoom Spiridon, Air Flightposite and of the Air Foamposite One.

Nike also welcomed the press to its Paris headquarters above its Maison de l'Innovation on the Champs-Élysées. At the event, the brand showed off other sneakers it will be investing in over the coming months, including the satin Cortez sneaker in the lifestyle category and its Olympic staple, the Alphafly super shoe line.

Additionally, on the runway, Nike revealed new versions of its ongoing collaborations with Comme des Garçons Homme Plus and Sacai, which are sure to be must-haves next spring.

New balance

New Balance, Auralee, Paris fashion week men, Paris, sneakers
Auralee's latest sneaker with New Balance.

New Balance showed up in a few locations in Paris this season. First, the footwear brand showcased its latest sneaker collaboration with Auralee during the Japanese fashion brand's Spring/Summer 2025 show. This time, the duo has teamed up on two colorways of the New Balance 475 sneaker – a style originally designed in the mid-1980s. This latest sneaker follows the two companies' robust collaboration schedule, which has seen the release of the Wrpd Runner, 1906R, 550 and 990v4.

New Balance also previewed its new shoe with Southern California-based streetwear brand Basketcase at a pop-up gallery in the Marais district. At its third Paris Fashion Week pop-up, Basketcase presented its futuristic New Balance 1906AD sneaker with a dark, chrome look during a special shopping event that caused a line of sneakerhead enthusiasts to queue on Rue Chapon while waiting to collect their own pairs of the silhouette. .


Puma, Asap Rocky, LGN, collaborations, Paris fashion week men, Paris
Puma's latest offering from A$AP Rock and its collaboration with LGN.

Puma's big moment came Friday evening with the launch of its latest project with A$AP Rocky at the AWGE musicians show in Paris. The limited reissue of the 2000 OG Inhale shoe in high-risk summer melon red, released in May, was designed for the AWGE runway. Carefully selected from the Puma archives by Rocky himself, the limited re-release of the Inhale could also be seen in a variety of new colors coming this fall. Additionally, the classic Puma Speedcat presented in black and red made an appearance on the catwalk, along with a 3D printed Mostro sneaker.

Earlier in the week, Puma re-emerged on the runway via a footwear collaboration with LGN Louis Gabriel Nouchi. For this combination, Nouchi took Puma's Mostro style and transformed it into a slip-on mule. This version is made from molded EVA foam and highlights the Mostro's distinctive anatomical sole and iconic studs. The style is available in LGN's signature colors: Deep Black and Bone White.


Salomon, Paris fashion week men, Paris
Salomon organized several activations during Paris fashion week.

Salomon has taken over 116 rue De Turenne on two floors to host its Sportstyle hub this week for retailers and the press. While showcasing its top-secret collaborations for Spring 2025, the space also included a lounge and an area hosting a workshop inspired by the iconic cage seen on many Salomon sneakers.

In addition to this pop-up, Salomon also organized a group run, a cocktail to toast its collaboration with Hartcopy in its new Sportstyle store in Marais, a community brunch at Huddle Coffee and an evening for the Fête de la Musique on Friday evening. .


Saucony, Comfort Zone, Paris
Outside of Saucony's comfort zone

The Wolverine Worldwide-owned company organized two activations in Paris. House of Saucony has presented the relaunch of the Matrix sneaker – which is expected to make its official return next spring. However, those who can't wait that long will see the style make its debut in November with Saucony's latest partnership with Jae Tips.

In addition to this Marais home base, Saucony has partnered with Parisian retailer Distance for its “Comfort Zone” pop-up, focusing on the soon-to-be-released Hurricane 24 sneaker and the foam contained within the product which sets it apart from other products. on the market.


Vans, Paris Fashion Week, Paris

Vans threw an epic party combining the energy of Paris Fashion Week, Go Skateboarding Day and Fête de la Musique in front of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica. The event was the culmination of a week of activations, including a skate jam honoring Anthony Van Engelen and his impact on the progression of footwear design with the launch of AVE 2.0 on Tuesday. This was followed by the opening of Vans brand curator and legendary photographer, “Atiba Jefferson: Skate Photography Exhibition,” in partnership with Architecture c/o Virgil Abloh, on Wednesday.




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