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Joe Burrow shows at Vogue World: Paris 2024 show

Joe Burrow shows at Vogue World: Paris 2024 show


Joe Burrow has traded the gridiron for the track.

The Cincinnati Bengals star, 27, caused a stir on social media on Sunday after walking in the Vogue World: Paris 2024 fashion show alongside friend and former LSU teammate Justin Jefferson.

Both men wore black suits with satin lapels in their runway debuts, but Burrow's look showed a little more skin. with an open back.

Social media users immediately began to lust after the quarterback online, joking that if his football career didn't work out, he could easily fall back on modeling.

Joe Burrow made his podium debut this weekend. Getty Images for Vogue
The 27-year-old athlete took part in the Vogue World: Paris fashion show. Getty Images for Vogue

“The backless suit made me stand out,” one Instagram user wrote.

“Honestly, it should be illegal for Joe Burrow to be this sexy in France.” user X agreed.

“Joe Burrow really said 'we don't care about football' and became a model,” said one third added. “Glad to see he’s found his true calling: being sexy.”

“The sexy girl Joe Burrow has in the summer will be studied for years,” a fourth intervenedhinting at rumors that the handsome athlete recently separated from his longtime girlfriend, Olivia Holzmacher.

Burrow wore a Peter Do suit for the star-studded event. Getty Images for Vogue
He went shirtless under the backless look. joeyb_9/Instagram

During an interview with Vogue, Burrow, whose pregame outfits often go viral on social media, explained that he “always loved clothes but never really understood the industry.”

I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and grow as a person, [and] I think being in the show is a great way to do that,” Burrow, who wore Peter Do, told Vogue.

“I think the crossover between fashion and sport will continue to grow,” he added.

The Minnesota Vikings wide receiver, 25, shared Burrow's sentiment, telling the outlet he wanted to go big for his first parade.

Burrow was joined by his friend and fellow NFL star Justin Jefferson. Dave Benett/Getty Images for Hermès
The Cincinnati Bengals star told Vogue he wanted to get out of his “comfort zone and grow as a person.” Pierrick Rocher/

“Who wouldn’t want Vogue World to be their first?” » he asked, noting that it was “such an honour” to participate in this prestigious event.

During their trip to Paris Fashion Week, they visited the Herms atelier, indulged in “fire” French cuisine, and sat front row at Amiri, one of Jefferson's favorite clothing brands because of its “relaxed and relaxed” aesthetic.

Burrow said experiencing his first parade alongside Jefferson is something he will “always remember” and cherish.

“I think the crossover between fashion and sports will continue to grow,” he said. P.A.
Fans online praised the quarterback's “sexy” look. P.A.

“It’s great to reconnect and hang out,” he added.

The two NFL stars walked the runway in Vogue World alongside several other top athletes, including Victor Wembanyama, Miles Chamley-Watson, and Venus and Serena Williams.

Other famous catwalkers included Sabrina Carpenter, Katy Perry, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Bad Bunny and many more.




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