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Marshall-Harrison County Juneteenth festivities culminate with fashion show | Lifestyles

Marshall-Harrison County Juneteenth festivities culminate with fashion show |  Lifestyles


Marshall-Harrison County's 10th annual Juneteenth festivities culminated on the runway Saturday with a Fashioned for Freedom fashion show, held on the Wiley University campus.

Thank you so much for coming to celebrate with us this evening. It was an absolute pleasure to celebrate Juneteenth activities on the Wiley University campus, said Charles Cornish, representing Wiley.

It was also a pleasure to work with the committee led by the Ravenells, he added as he presented a gift on behalf of the university, thanking Juneteenth committee co-chairs Don and Alma Ravenell for their vision and orchestration .

Congratulations on 10 years of exceptional leadership. It has been absolutely remarkable. And it's been a pleasure for us, Wiley University, to collaborate with you, Cornish said.

The event brought together a host of models from diverse backgrounds and ages, who showcased everything from black and white trends to glamorous dressed-to-impress styles to their favorite freestyle clothing and outfits.

A special Divine Nine set was added this year, featuring styles from members of the historically black Greek-letter fraternities and sororities that make up the Divine Nine of the National Panhellenic Council. Cheryel Carpenter, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, served as commentator for the new segment.

Juneteenth committee member Leatrice Gray served as commentator for the entire annual program. Gray and fellow committee member Deloris Butler also presented the Ravenells with a loving token of appreciation.

This is our 10th year which we celebrate on June 10th. We have already completed our first decade and many more decades lie ahead, Butler said. This is just a small appreciation. When the Ravenells go, I mean, they go hard; and they will stay up from midnight until morning working diligently to try to make this project a success.

The Juneteenth committee appreciates you very much, Gray added. It may be small, but there's a lot of love behind it.

Alma Ravenell expressed her gratitude to everyone. Running the program has been a great labor of love, especially for her husband, she shared.

He not only supported my initial idea to do something for June 19, he also became the main leader, agitator and driving force behind this event, she said. Many of these things would not have been accomplished without his passion for this event. It truly is (a labor of love). We will continue to push.

Don Ravenell thanked the citizens of Marshall for their unwavering support of the festivities throughout the decade.

10 years of Juneteenth in Marshall, Texas. We are so proud and we couldn't have done it without you, Marshall, Texas, Ravenell said. So thanks.




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