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The best sock height is half crew


A bird's eye view of a pair of feet in Seavees sneakers and a pair of white ribbed Bombas quarter socks.

My favorite summer socks are these ribbed half crews from Bombas.
Photo: Liza Corsillo

People are fighting over socks. Crew Sock Loyal Gen Z Claims They Can Guess Your Age depending on how high or low you wear your socks. Millennials are either rushing towards justify their allegiance nakedly or to treat their ankle socks (and no-shows) to a schmaltzy Farewell. As with any trend on social media, the debate has become disproportionate. But that's also moot, because socks and crew socks are both bad answers.

I'm over 40 and an older millennial, so following my generation's apparent style preferences would mean wearing low cut socks, probably with a pair of skinny jeans. And yet, I'm convinced that the ideal sock height is actually somewhere between the ankle and the top: high enough to be seen above most short shoes and boots, but not high enough to visually cut in your lower legs in half.

I've seen these perfect height socks called half socks, half socks.short socks, mini socks and quarter socks. Nike sells a version of these but confusingly labels them as socks, which they are not. The perfect socks should be high enough to cover the tip of your ankle, but stop about an inch above the joint.

My favorite Bombas socks seen from the side.
Photo: Liza Corsillo

I'll call them half crew socks, and the reason they're the best is because they go well with everything from white sneakers and sandals to ballet flats and Blundstones. I like the way half crews frame the ankles and shoes underneath, rather than drawing attention to that nondescript mid-shin area. They're just the right height so they never sag, sag, or interact weirdly with the bottom of your pants like larger socks or tube socks do. But they also have more impact than socks that hit exactly at the ankle joint or below. The socks are indecisive, especially without a decorative pompom on the back to anchor them. As seen recently on Jennifer Lawrence, they often look like a mistake, like a small piece of your boxers hanging out under your shorts.

For the record, I'm not a fan of no-show socks either, mainly because I think hiding socks in my shoes is silly and because they so rarely stay on. At least when worn correctly no one has to look at them, but no-shows aren't stylish. It's more like putting a bandage on a toe prone to blisters.

My latest pair of half crew is this ribbed, ruffled style from Target.

The half crew, however, is clean and tidy, a simple but effective way to show off your personal style. To explain what I mean, I've rounded up a few of my favorites.

Bombas Women's Modern Ribbed Socks

Bombas ribbed socks are the perfect socks. The height is perfect and they are a little thicker than other socks so they don't fall down. Plus, even in summer, they don't get too hot.

Muji Loose Right Angle Short Socks

Mujis Right Angle Short Socks are my second favorite pair of everyday socks. They're thinner than the Bombas and the mini-stripe pattern is easy to wear with almost anything.

Women's Lettuce Edge Socks

When I want a little ruffle, I use these wavy-edged socks, usually white, brown, or navy blue.

Hansel from Basel Elton Short Crew

For fashionable socks that can be worn with heels, loafers or Mary Janes, I like the Hansel From Basel Crew Socks.

Tabio Premium Short Silk Socks

This pair of Tabio Silk Short Socks is recommended by strategist writer Erin Schwartz, who agrees with me that mid-cut socks are the tallest socks.

Hue Air Sport Women's 3-Pack Mini Crew Socks

Hue makes great socks that are also beautiful and inexpensive. I bought my first pack of these mini socks on sale about six months ago, and they've since become a recurring character in my wardrobe.

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