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Inside the adidas Originals and Dazeds PFW Dinner Hosted by Gabbriette

Inside the adidas Originals and Dazeds PFW Dinner Hosted by Gabbriette


As Paris prepares for a summer of sport and culture at the upcoming Olympic Games, this past weekend, adidas Originals and Dazed teamed up for an intimate event in the heart of the city. The dinner celebrated the enduring influence of adidas Originals and the release of Dazeds' Summer 2024 issue, featuring cover star Noah Lyles.

Held on June 24 during Paris Men's Fashion Week, the event was held at GC4+, an abandoned telephone center in the 9th arrondissement, and was hosted by model Gabbriette and Dazeds fashion director Imruh Asha.

The gathering brought together key figures from fashion, film, music and sport, including such as Ib Kamara, Paloma Elsesser, Jeremy Scott, Mia Khalifa, Alex Consani, Kai-Isaiah Jamal, Michle Lamy, Edison Chen, ASAP Nast, Mustafa, Lila Moss, Carlijn Jacobs, Hugo Comte, Teezo Touchdown and Willy Chavarria.

The venue made excellent use of natural light, enhanced by strategically placed white star tubes which added a moody glow to the dining and cocktail areas. The minimalist table setup featured blue accents in keeping with adidas Originals, creating a stark contrast to the raw, industrial backdrop.

The intimate dinner menu was created by Chef Zlikha Dinga of Caro Diario Culinary Studio and complemented the aesthetic of the venue, with vibrant touches through the furniture and table decor. This blend of industrial chic and subtle elegance makes for a visually captivating dining experience. A dessert designed by Gabbriette was also served at the end of the meal.

Drinks were provided courtesy of Tico and Penfolds, which included cocktails including Tico Tommys Margarita, Picante, Tico Espresso Martini and Palomita, alongside Heineken beer, Penfolds Champagne Blanc de Noirs and 0% Tom Collins. After dinner, the party continued until late in the evening with DJ sets from Vegyn And Bambi.

Before leaving, guests received custom adidas Superstars with commemorative details and copies of the latest issue of Noah Lyles Dazed.

Flip through the gallery above to see images from the night.




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