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Meg Ryan's best outfits in 'You've Got Mail'

Meg Ryan's best outfits in 'You've Got Mail'


Many praise the sartorial magic created when Meg Ryan worked with Nora Ephron on romantic comedies set among falling leaves. A perfect example is You've got mail, which follows independent bookstore owner Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) and bookstore chain owner Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) as they go from public enemies to Internet correspondents to lovers. But the best part of You've got mail It's not romance, it's Meg Ryan's outfits.

It's no wonder that posts of appreciation for '90s Meg Ryan style are commonplace now that the dress of the decade is back in a big way. With turtlenecks, layered knits and sweater sets, You've got mail features the best in Ryan-meets-Ephron cinematic fashion, and it's all thanks to costume designer Albert Wolsky. Wolsky worked on Fat, Sophie's choice, Runaway bride, Made in Manhattan, Through the universe, Birdman, and much more. Ahead, we chat with Wolsky about what happened to Meg Ryan's outfits in You've got mail. Keep reading to see six of her most iconic looks.

A buttoned vest and a sweater

Warner Bros.

For her first look in the film, Kathleen wears a gray pencil skirt, a crisp white shirt with a flat collar, a black sweater vest, and her signature Oxfords and tights. Outside, she wears a boxy black coat, patterned scarf and tote that represents her independent store, A Shop Around the Corner.

Speaking of the characters' more conservative fashion, Wolsky explains, “You have to go back to that era. I was trying to dress her, not necessarily conservatively, but she ran a bookstore and I was trying to make her a little more studious. There's nothing about her that's fashionable. Against Parker Posey in the film, who plays a fashionista.

The layered sweater look

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As Kathleen discovers that a Fox Books is opening in her neighborhood, she wears a black turtleneck under a green-gray sweater dress topped with an oversized cardigan. She pairs it with her black Oxfords and matching wool tights.

Even though this sweater looked great on Ryan, Wolsky reveals that he had a hard time getting him to wear the look. I never understood [why she didnt like jumpers], he stated. For her, although I think it was perfect and beautiful, it was perhaps too academic. I think she felt too direct, if you will. Even if none of the clothes are not direct. » How did he solve this enigma concerning the character? “It’s okay because you have to listen and work around it. It wasn't that she was difficult. It was just something about this look that didn't work for her.

Oxfords and black tights

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All along You've got mail, Meg Ryan wears black wool tights paired with Oxfords or black ankle boots. This happens so often that we had to ask.

I like repeating clothes. There are things that [Kathleen] I wore it once and then I wore it again with something else, which is how people dress, Wolsky said. Tome, [the tights and Oxfords], it was very New York. It's a New York film. The cartoonist added that working with Nora Ephron on this film was particularly dreamy because she was a true New Yorker who understood the character and geography of the city.

The high-neck LBD

Brian Hamill/Warner Bros/Shutterstock

At a party with her boyfriend Frank Navasky (Greg Kinnear), Kathleen wears a little black dress with a high neck and sleeves above the elbows. She accessorizes with just a pair of gold hoop earrings. Even more than 20 years later, this outfit wouldn't be out of place at many New York City celebrations. But for Kathleen, it was a lookand one she probably wouldn't repeat.

It was [the characters] version of the dress-up, Wolsky said. When asked if the dress would make a welcome Thanksgiving ensemble, he added: The first outfit would be perfect. I think [this] a dressy dress…that would be too dressy for Thanksgiving.

Wide pants and cardigan

Brian Hamill/Warner Bros/Shutterstock

To keep up with Kathleen's utilitarian vibe as she strolled around New York with Joe, Wolsky put Ryan in a pair of wide-leg khaki pants with a brown belt, a white t-shirt, a gray cardigan, and a pair of sneakers neutral.

If you look [this] character, who she is in the movie, it doesn't change much, Wolsky said. [Kathleens] always the same person. She has a T-shirt, a sweater, pants that are just simple pants [with no designer name]. They are neither jazzy nor fashion-y.

The Central Park dress

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Kathleen's final look in the film, the boat-neck Marc Jacobs dress she wears when she kisses Joe in Central Park, took more work than it seemed.

The only [clothing] who had a [designer] “The name was the last outfit,” Wolsky said. “We loved this dress, but I had to dye it lightly and add a jumpsuit underneath because it was totally see-through.” When asked about the characters' ballet flats, the designer added, “They weren't designer shoes. They were Forever 21 type shoes. But they went well with the dress.” After all, the iconic Kathleen Kelly would certainly have dressed on a budget; Yet she never compromised on style.




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