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15 Wedding Guest Dresses From Walmart Under $40 (That Don't Look Like They're From Walmart)

15 Wedding Guest Dresses From Walmart Under $40 (That Don't Look Like They're From Walmart)


Summer wedding season is here! With more than a third Of all the annual weddings in the United States that take place during the summer months, there's a good chance you're one of the many lucky ones who have one (or more) weddings to attend this summer. And while you may have already helped the mother of the bride come up with outfit ideas or browsed gift ideas for the couple who already live together, it's time to focus on finding a stylish dress for yourself to wear for a special occasion.

But if you're on a budget this summer, we have good news: You don't need to spend a fortune to find an affordable wedding guest dress idea. Turns out Walmart (yes, Walmart!) has lots of super cute summer dress ideas that would be perfect for a warm-weather wedding. Of Sophia Vergara dress which one reviewer said “totally gives a high-end feeling” to the Jessica Simpson dress While another review said they would “wear this to an upcoming wedding,” there are plenty of stylish options to choose from.

In fact, we've scoured the digital racks and found 15 super stylish summer dresses that would be perfect for your next wedding. And best of all? They all cost less than $40!

Jean Sofia by Sofia Vergara

Available in sizes XS to 5X.

This bestselling Sofia Vergara dress at Walmart is a great summer dress. The off-the-shoulder cut is flattering, while the loose fit and midi length are comfortable enough to wear to virtually any type of wedding you might be invited to.

“I still can't believe this dress is from Walmart,” one reviewer wrote. “It totally gives a premium feel and is super comfortable!!

$26 at Walmart

Jean Sofia by Sofia Vergara

Available in sizes XS to 3X.

Step out in this elegant off-the-shoulder midi dress with ruffled blouson sleeves. The smocked waist offers a bit of flexibility and comfort, while the length makes it sleek and elevated.

“This dress is everything I needed and more,” wrote one five-star review. “I was afraid of bare shoulders, but it was perfect. I love it !!! »

$26 at Walmart

Time and truth

Available in sizes XS to 4X.

For those who don't mind showing a little skin, this tie-shoulder mini dress is the perfect cut for a summer wedding. The floral prints, delicate bows, and flattering fit make this a warm-weather staple you'll want to wear again and again.

“The dress is adorable, comfortable and roomy,” said one reviewer. “It's not the best quality, but the value is comparable to anything you buy at Walmart.”

$17 at Walmart

Jessica Simpson

Available in sizes XS to XL.

If you're looking for a more traditional style that you can wear multiple times, this bold and bright dress from Jessica Simpson is well worth the price. Although it is not included in plus sizes and many sizes are already sold out, it is a great addition to any wardrobe. The cap sleeves add a touch of elegance, while the long length makes it suitable for the office and just about any type of garden wedding ceremony, formal ceremony, church ceremony and beyond.

“Thin material, but the fit is so nice!” said one reviewer. “I love it and will wear it to an upcoming wedding.”

$29 at Walmart


Available in sizes XS to 4X.

This flattering dress is a great choice for those looking for something that offers some forgiveness while remaining soft and stylish. The pleated fabric glides over curves while the wrap-neck design is ideal for fuller busts.

“This dress was perfect for a spring wedding!” said one reviewer. “It was so comfortable and I got so many compliments.”

$25 at Walmart


Available in sizes S to XL.

Bold prints and patterns are perfect for summer weddings, which is why this ruffled maxi is a no-brainer. Choose from a variety of colors, from red to purple and everything in between. The loose V-neck style is ideal for a hot outdoor wedding when you're worried about sweating.

“The dress is super soft and flowy, you will feel like a queen wherever you go!” according to one reviewer.

$33 at Walmart


Available in sizes S to 2X.

Make a statement at the more formal weddings you attend this summer in this fitted V-neck cocktail dress. It comes in shades of blue, black, red, floral and white, perfect for cocktails and formals in the evening.

“Nice cut, stretchy material, hides the rolls!!” » wrote one satisfied reviewer.

$27 at Walmart


Available in sizes S to 2X.

When you need a look that can't go wrong, opt for a wrap dress. This ruffle sleeve dress is made from stretchy rayon and nylon for a flattering, comfortable fit. The high-low cut is also a great way to show off a fantastic pair of heels.

“PERFECT FIT!!” wrote one reviewer. “I'm a bigger girl, I wear a size 2X and it's very flattering! I love the design and that it's longer in the back.”

$27 at Walmart


Available in sizes S to L.

This dress isn't for everyone, but for those looking for a more fitted style for a resort wedding, this open-back bodycon dress is a stylish choice. Reviewers say it's flattering and easy to adjust for different body types.

“The quality is excellent, it looks beautiful,” one reviewer wrote. “The elastic cincher in the back makes it snug on top. Plus, you can adjust the tie in front to be tighter and looser depending on your bust size. Highly recommend.”

$11 at Walmart


Available in sizes XS to 2X.

It's not hard to see why this backless dress is a best-seller at Walmart. The relaxed fit, flirty halter neck, and flattering pleated skirt with an elastic waist make this a dress that's as stylish as it is comfortable.

“I was very impressed with the quality and fit of this dress,” one reviewer wrote. “I received the green printout and it looks like I paid a lot more for it than I did!”

$40 at Walmart

Label Rail x WhatSmitaFound

Available in sizes 4 to 12.

We love this charming button-down dress that's both modern and traditional. The pleated top is particularly flattering on smaller busts, but the high cut of the skirt is just a little cheeky to show off a cute pair of heels.

“This looks so expensive! It fits so well! I love it,” said one reviewer.

$40 at Walmart

Allegra K.

Available in sizes XS to XL.

For those who love the cottagecore aesthetic, opt for this midi dress with a square collar and puffed sleeves. There is an abundance of floral colors among nine to be precise. The smocked top makes it a great option for those with fuller busts.

“The length of the dress is perfect and it feels very light and airy when walking etc.,” one reviewer wrote. “The puffed sleeves are pleasant to the touch and the elastic does not tighten the arm.”

$33 at Walmart

Allegra K.

Available in sizes XS to XL.

For the summer garden party in your wedding rotation, this fit and flare floral smocked dress is a great choice and one you'll want to wear repeatedly. The round neck and cap sleeves are charming details.

“I LOVE this dress! I'm so happy,” said one reviewer. “It's super cute and very versatile. You can make it casual or dressy depending on your shoes, accessories, and makeup.”

$29 at Walmart


Available from XS to 2X.

This timeless dress can take you from summer weddings to fall. The sleeveless design and high cut is a flattering look for a summer wedding while the comfortable knit fabric hugs your curves in all the right places.

“It feels very high end and high quality,” one reviewer wrote.

$29 at Walmart


Available in sizes S to 2X.

When you need an affordable, easy-to-wear, easy-to-wear dress Again, this ruffled backless dress is a solid choice. The satin and shiny material gives it an elevated enough feel for a wedding.

“Cute and comfy dress to alternate on the wedding dress circuit this summer,” one reviewer wrote.

$10 at Walmart


Organize your bathroom and kitchen cabinets once and for all with a two-tier storage cabinet. This set of two means you can use one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. Or use both in a particularly disorganized space.

$18 on Amazon


This rechargeable battery electric candle lighter on Amazon is a smokeless, odorless, windproof way to create a flame, not to mention it's really satisfying to use! The lighter works using “flameless plasma arc technology”, which works using targeted energy to light candles, stoves and more, without harmful fuels or chemicals. And since it doesn't run on butane, there's no need to refill the lighter.

$8 on Amazon

LOral Paris

Martha Stewart's makeup artist of 10 years said she uses this L'Oréal “glotion” on Stewart after SPF “for a dewy tint and a smooth canvas for makeup.”

I tested this L'Oreal Glow Enhancer as part of my beauty routine for several months and I found it to be well worth the price, even when it wasn't on sale. This is a lightweight, slightly runny cream lotion that is best applied with a small brush for a smooth, even finish. The lotion has a very gentle illuminating effect in the light.

I found this to be a good option for brightening my skin, especially when I didn't want to wear full makeup. I've also used it in place of a stick or powder highlighter, instead applying a few dots of this lotion to my cheekbones and brow line for a boost of luminosity.

$11 on Amazon




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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