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Woman Shares 'Inappropriate Outfit' She Was Dress Coded For By Local Librarian

Woman Shares 'Inappropriate Outfit' She Was Dress Coded For By Local Librarian


People always criticize women for one thing or another. No matter how they dress, someone will be there to pass judgment. A stay-at-home mom named Hilary Flips passing by @calmlychaoticmom on TikTok also experienced something similar after a visit to the library with her daughters and turned to the librarian to comment on her outfit. “Forgive me while I continue to wear crop tops with high-waisted pants until I'm a grandma. I might even put my belly button ring back in for added style,” Flips captioned her post.

Image Source: TikTok |  @calmlychaoticmom
Image Source: TikTok | @calmlychaoticmom

She did not expect this meeting with the librarian, who was not happy with the mother's choice of clothing in public. “I just got an outfit from our local library for baby story time,” Flips explained as she appeared in the video wearing the same outfit she chose for her library visit. “So that's what I wore, a little cropped sweater,” she said, flaunting an adorable gray animal print sweater. “It's from the teen section of Target. It's a weird brand like Wild Fable. Probably not age-appropriate, whatever. These jeans are mom jeans from Top Shop. They're a thousand years old. They're They're called mom jeans and that's what I was wearing and I thought, why not a sweater? It's like a step up from my usual sweatshirt, t-shirt, leggings and jeans. .

However, she couldn’t enjoy feeling good about her outfit for long. Flips went on to explain how her young daughters can get a little chaotic during their library visits because they won’t sit still or be quiet. So when the librarian approached her after the storytime session to ask if she was the “mom or the babysitter,” Flips thought the librarian might be making comments about her children’s behavior. “She’s like, ‘You should know,’ in a judgmental, tsk, tsk kind of way. So I immediately started apologizing for my daughter’s behavior and I was like, ‘I’m so sorry, you know, it’s really hard. to get them to sit still like we’re working on it and that’s kind of why we’re here,’” the mom recalled.

Image Source: TikTok |  @calmlychaoticmom
Image source: TikTok | @calmlychaoticmom

However, the librarian said something that Flips didn't expect to hear in a million years. “And she's like, 'No, your outfit,' and I'm like, 'Oh my God, didn't I button my sweater? Like what's going on?' And she just waves at him when I realize it's because the sweater is a little short and when I carry my giant one year old he stands up and shows maybe an inch of my belly with his nice little elongated belly,” Flips concludes. “And apparently it's inappropriate to show a belly when you're approaching 40 and a news flash, I disagree.” Other TikTok users couldn't understand why the librarian had commented on her outfit.

Image Source: TikTok |  @fafafa7171
Image source: TikTok | @fafafa7171 wrote: “I'll try talking to someone above her about it. It's not her place to shame you about your outfit and you look cute and appropriate!” @fossilou commented, “The way I would have said really loudly – Oh, I didn't realize the library had a dress code!?! and call attention to the whole situation.” @kriscrops joked, “I'll wear the same outfit next week!! You look great!!! Like others have said, it says more about her than your outfit choice!! Hugs! Keep being you! ” @__eleanor__ remarked: “I'm blown away. I've worked in all kinds of libraries for almost 30 years. I've never seen a library worker call a patron's outfit and, in confidence, we've seen more than a midriff. During the low-rise jean phase, jeans left nothing to the imagination. But a midway drift?

You can follow Hilary Flips (@calmlychaoticmom) on TikTok for more videos about motherhood and the SAHM lifestyle.




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