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The Soroptimist is organizing a fashion show in spring: Hometown briefs

The Soroptimist is organizing a fashion show in spring: Hometown briefs


News staff reports

Soroptimist is organizing a fashion show in spring: Soroptimist International of Cape May County held its annual spring fashion show and luncheon on May 19.

This year's event was held at the Corinthian Yacht Club in Cape May. More than 200 women attend the show each year, according to the club.

The theme of the show was “Seaside Fashions” and the clothes featured were from the Island Lily boutique in Avalon. This year, Elizabeth Mendel, Miss South Jersey 2024, participated in the parade.

The event also included themed raffle baskets and a pop-up shop from Island Lily Boutique.

The annual fashion show is one of Soroptimist International's premier fundraising events. This year's event raised over $6,000, with 100% going toward education funds and awards for women and girls in Cape May County who are dedicated to improving their lives, those of their dependents and the community.

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Daniel J.Brestle

Daniel J. Brestle, of Longport, has been appointed to the board of directors of the John R. Elliott Foundation.

Matthew Strabuk, photographer

Longport resident joins HERO board: Daniel J. Brestle, of Longport, has been appointed to the board of directors of the John R. Elliott Foundation.

Brestle is a retired vice chairman and president of Este Lauder Companies Inc. and a retired U.S. Air Force captain.

A three-sport graduate of Holy Spirit High School in Absecon, he went on to earn a degree in applied economics from Villanova University in Pennsylvania. He served as a first lieutenant and transportation officer during the Vietnam War at Bien Hoa Air Force Base and was later promoted to base transportation officer at Homestead AFB in Florida.

We are pleased and honored to have Dan join our Board of Directors,” said Bill Elliott, Chairman of the Board. We look forward to benefiting from his wealth of experience in marketing and branding.

The HERO campaign promotes the use of designated drivers in memory of Navy Ensign John Elliott, who was killed in a July 2000 collision with a drunken driver, two months after graduating from the United States Naval Academy. United.

Hammonton will host a series of community markets: The Hammonton Green Committee will host an outdoor community market from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday on Horton Street.

The goal of the market is to help inspire the community to live more sustainably with quality products. Local farmers and artisans will be present at the market, and local musician Samantha Irwin will provide entertainment.

Keeping with the theme of sustainability, items such as fermentation supplies and waste-free products will be available for purchase.

The June market will see the Green Committee bring its mobile seed library with free seeds to share with the community. Information on home composting will also be available.

The Community Market event will feature items eligible for purchase with SNAP benefits.

The Green Committee will organize other community markets on July 26, August 23 and September 27.

For more information, visit

Student workshops

Each summer, boys and girls aged 11-17 learn new skills at East Lynne Theater Company's student workshops, which run July 1-10 and culminate in a live production.


East Lynne Student Workshops: Cape May's East Lynne Theater Company will host its annual student theater workshops for children ages 11-17 in July.

The workshops will run from July 1-5 (except July 4) and July 8-10 and will conclude with two live performances of the original Dial CM for Murder show.

The aim of the workshops is to improve theater and teamwork skills and encourage students to perform on stage or participate behind the scenes. Children will be taught and supervised by workshop director, Sally Bingham, who has been acting, directing and writing plays for over 35 years.

Dial CM for Murder is a play on Dial M for Murder, which East Lynne will produce from July 31 to August 31. The two live performances, free and open to the public, will take place at 7 p.m. on July 11 and 12 at the theater at 500 Hughes St.

The student workshop costs $250, payable before July 1st. Children under 11 can participate if an older sibling is registered. The workshop is limited to 15 students.

All skill levels are welcome and no prior experience is required.

To register or for more information, visit For more information about Dial M for Murder or to purchase tickets, visit

Beth Israel

Beth Israel has been holding services on the beach during the summer for 30 years.


Margate Beach Services: Beth Israel will host two Friday evening worship services on Huntington Avenue Beach in Margate this summer.

Services will be held at 5:30 p.m. on July 12 and August 23. The beach is behind the Margate Public Library. Rabbi Michael Feshbach will lead participants with Shabbat melodies.

In the event of inclement weather, services will be held at Beth Israel, 2501 Shore Road in Northfield. For more information, call 609-641-3600 or email [email protected].

Broadway Brunch in OC: The Greater Ocean City Theater Company will host its 13th annual Broadway Brunch on July 14 at the Linwood Country Club.

The brunch will begin at 11:30 a.m. Eleven students will be recognized and awarded scholarships for their achievements as student leaders in the performing arts world.

The Class of 2024 scholarship recipients are Adarsh ​​Chauhan, Alivia Chieffo, Haley Dukich, Milo Ellis, Jess Luciano, Vivian Maucher, Katie McAlister, Brielle McDowell, Carmiya Morris, Ryan Mulraney and Keira Reilly.

The 2024 Commitment to the Arts Awards will be presented to Ameriprise Financial/Frank Faverzani and the William and Nancy Hughes Performing Arts Society. The theater company will also posthumously honor Donald Kravitz, a local photographer who captured special moments of Atlantic City headliners, Miss America, Ocean City special events, Ocean City Theater Company and beyond.

Tickets for the Broadway Brunch are $85 per person and must be purchased by July 1. To purchase tickets, visit or send a check to 1501 West Ave., Ocean City, NJ 08226.

All proceeds benefit the Greater Ocean City Theater Company.




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