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Patrons of the SAWA 2024 fashion show received thanks, cookies and sun protection

Patrons of the SAWA 2024 fashion show received thanks, cookies and sun protection


Tucker Enthoven, Natalie Lorio and Meg Salter

With the memorial service for Mike Wyatt ending at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, some headed to Claire and Dwight Emanuelsonat the Volk Estate house for the reception. One of them was Jennifer Dix in dizzying Chanel stilettos. Despite the pain of walking to her wheels at the end of the parking lot at St. Michael and All Angel, Jennifer was comforted by the plan to take a girls' weekend to Cabo the next day with her daughter Gracie Dix.

Others arrived at Tucker and Rich Enthovenis the home for the Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary Dallas Fashion show and lunch patronal celebration. Co-chairs Nathalie Lorio And Meg Salter were prepared for guests who had purchased a table or individual ticket of $500 or more, such as SAWA President 2024-2025 Laura Downing and Margot Perot, service laureates Ramona Jones (2017) and Katie King (2024) And her husband Randy King.

Ramona Jones and Randal
Kathie and Randy King

As per schedule, the program started with the Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary President 2023-2024. Candace Winslow welcome the guests and thank the majors Dawn and Paul McFarlandHonorary President 2024 Shelle Thresholds and the evening’s hosts, co-chairs and sponsor, Diamonds Direct.

Laura Downing, Dawn McFarland, Candace Winslow and Shannon Graham

After a brief account of the use of funds provided by the Auxiliary, the chair of the 2024 fashion show Shannon Graham thanked Highland Park Village for being the sponsor of the track. She explained to them how the designer pre-sale would begin the next day. “If you haven’t been, it’s a really fun experience.” You never know what treasure you will find! Some of our dear friends here this evening are wearing some of the treasures they collected during this sale or at the Chic Boutique sale on the day of lunch. Even if you're just coming to buy your beloved children's clothes, we'd love for you to join us either tomorrow at the pre-sale or at 9:30 a.m. lunch morning.

Mary Kay sunscreen

In closing, Candace thanked the leaders again, adding, “There is much we can do for our 19 local offices whose needs are great. How can we enable them to continue to be the hands and feet of Christ for the veterans, the homeless, the battered. , children, drug addicts and those facing disasters? We can do a lot for them and our community through these Salvation Army centers and we are grateful for your partnership to make this happen.

As guests headed to their cars, they received Mary Kay sunscreen, Diamonds Direct jewelry cleaner, a Highland Park Village pen/directory and a J. Rae cookie.




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